The Bad News & The Good News

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"Your mother?" Asher asks in confusion as he continues to look down at the woman. I nod my head as I drop down to my knees and get closer to her as well. He looks back and forth between the two of us tilting his head this way and that, "This is completely nuts—" He mutters more to himself than to me. 

I continued to stare down at her, many questions running through my mind. She was alive, and she was right in front of me. Part of me was extremely happy knowing that but the bigger part of me was anxious as to why she was here and for how long she had been here. From the looks of her she didn't seem particularly healthy and she had tried to kill us. 

"This woman Mated with the vampire? Bloody disgusting..." Asher comments with a look of disgust on his face. I roll my eyes, "No she didn't mate with him. She was taken and used to create me. She was his prisoner—I mean she is his prisoner." I reach out and gently move the hair away from her face to get a better look at her. 

"This is all getting a little twisted for me. I don't know why you guys had to involve me in your stupid little war. It has nothing to with me—in fact I was living happily in the woods until you wandered in." Asher says in frustration as he pushes himself off the ground and starts pacing back and forth, "Your mother should have killed you while you were still in her womb and saved everyone the trouble. I should escape this place and leave you to it..." 

I watched him cautiously for a few minutes, "What about your sister? Siena? What will happen to her if you abandon this mission? Eris seems like someone who keeps her promises." He freezes in his movements and turns to me with a look of anger. 

"You shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about." He says through gritted teeth. I swallow hard and lift my chin defiantly, "Than you should talk about thing you know nothing about..." We stared at each other for a couple of moments before he looked away with a heavy sigh, "You're a lot more trouble than you're worth." I couldn't really blame him for being angry about being stuck in this position but I didn't feel to bad since he had tried to get me killed. 

"Your mother, she obviously escaped before—" Asher starts and I look to him back to him curiously, "So I've been told but what does that have to do with anything?" 

Asher gave me a look like I was an idiot, "If she escaped before than there obviously must be a way out of here." 

"When she escaped before she had a little help from the outside. I don't think we have that luxury this time—plus I doubt she would have chosen to stay here as a prisoner if she knew a way out. I mean would you?" I suggest and Asher lets out a slew of curses under his breath before he started pacing again. 

My mother let out a small groan, both of us turning our attention to her as her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a couple times as if coming back to herself and when she noticed Asher and I she let out a tiny squeak and scurried backwards across the floor. She huddled up against the wall looking at us with fear filled eyes, "Please, please don't hurt me anymore. I told you I don't know where they took her." Her voice cracked. 

I looked to Asher with uncertainty for a moment before I focused my attention on my mother, "It's okay—" I say softly holding up my hands in surrender before sliding forward in her direction. She cringed back into the wall and I stopped moving, obviously she was in no state for a mother, daughter reunion. I swallow my feelings, "We're not going to hurt you." I motion subtly between Asher and myself. 

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