⊹₊ ⋆ - Chapter 32 - ⋆₊⊹

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Warning: This chapter maybe includes sexual intercourses, sexual harassment, blood or violence. The Author would like and please the readers to take all the possibilities above before proceeding to read this chapter. Thank you!


Taehyun opened the door and surprised by the scented candles lit up from the door way– a sweet honey mixed with strawberries, his favorite scent, Beomgyu's scent.

Sooner Taehyun saw Beomgyu on the bed siting in a plain manner. Taehyun can sense what Beomgyu is up to but he can also sense that his boyfriend is somewhat shy, scared and not ready for it.

" I thought you're going to sleep early, did you wait for me? " Taehyun asked standing infront of Beomgyu.

Beomgyu can't find a word to say, obviously he can't directly tell Taehyun that he wants to do it right on that moment.

" Mhm. Shall we... you know...i mean sleep " Beomgyu was so shy and he's ears are so red, occasionally looking down on his feet.

" I see, are you expecting something else tonight, love? " Taehyun slowly lift Beomgyu to stand up a little bit higher from his level.

Beomgyu can't answer he's too shy, " It feels like I'm going to die in embarrassment " Beomgyu thought in his head.

Taehyun can feel Beomgyu's  heartbeat from his chest, he can feel the hot breath touching his neck. " He must be very nervous, cute "

" Don't be embarrass or nervous, if you're ready let's do it. I'll be gentle just trust me. But if you're still not ready, it's okay. With or without sex my love will always be the same. " Taehyun softly whispered and kiss Beomgyu's forehead to make the older boy to relax.

" But i- c-lean myself t-onight for you, hyuniee " Beomgyu mumbled yet Taehyun catch his words.

Taehyun was shocked by those words, and found it cute. " Ahh, You're so cute, what should i do "

Beomgyu's soft and cute features makes Taehyun turn on, sometimes he cannot help to imagine how cute and incredibly hot will beomgyu be underneath him, or how will the older release cute-lewd sounds because of pleasure. Due to this thoughts Taehyun can't help himself, he needs Beomgyu too.

" Are you sure about this? " Taehyun asked cupping Beomgyu's cheeks.

Beomgyu locked his eyes in Taehyun and nodded. " If something's bothering you throughout the session please tell me to stop okay? i don't want to hurt you. " Taehyun said sincerely, as much as possible he didn't want to hurt Beomgyu, it's his promise.

Taehyun slowly press his lips on Beomgyu and the two shared a soft kiss. Taehyun roam his hands on his boyfriend's slim waist and caressed it slowly.

Beomgyu was so lost in Taehyun's lips, no matter how many times they've done it, he always felt it was their first time.

The kiss was soon became sloppy and heated, wet sounds are heard all over the room, Taehyun's hands find it's way to grope Beomgyu's ass and with a smack, Beomgyu release a soft moan making the opportunity for their tongues to collide.

With their burning desire and love the two finally set theirselves into the bed.

Taehyun started to hover above him and kiss him once more. The kiss doesn't last long, the kiss traveled down into Beomgyu's jaw, and into his neck where Taehyun started to plant love marks.

Beomgyu moaned softly as he feel Taehyun sucking and biting his skin, it was very new and he felt butterflies roaming around on his stomach.

Taehyun make sure that he doesn't bite the skin to hard but he failed he can't control himself but to cherish and mark each of Beomgyu, clamming his.

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