1 - If you let go

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One day

The older of the two thought it was better to leave the other. Because it was a complicated relationship. He didn't want him to get hurt because of him. He wanted him to be safe and live a life without the dangerous missions his job brought with him. And this all because of his father. He was tied up to him till the end. Since they met. Did he even wanted to be next to him all the time? You could notice that this wasn't what he really wished for because he was escaping to clubs and partying every possible night he didn't have to go in a mission. 

It was better to let him go. It was needed to let him go. But to be honest, He Cheng just didn't want to. He couldn't. How could he ever let him go? Even if his heart was already deep, deep made out of stone and cold. That was the one thing he couldn't do besides hurting his brother or family. Qiu was like a family to him now and eventhough Qiu might didn't feel the same way, He Cheng couldn't stop and change the way he felt about them.

He knew Qiu for years. Since they went to highschool together and Qiu and him somehow managed to get excellent friends with a lot of fun. But the fun got less and less the more the job and He Cheng's father got in the way. Somehow during the last... how longs has it been... during the last nine or ten years, the fun had stopped completely. They were only work partners now and nothing more. Not even friends. Their friendship seemed to have ended a long time ago and He Cheng didn't even know when it completely stopped and turned into dust.

While Qiu was still enjoying his life a little bit with going out every night and hanging out with some silly girls, He Cheng found himself with a nostalic feeling to these times. He wondered if Qiu had this feeling sometimes too. But he thought that this was not possible. He Cheng wished back his old highschool days. The days where his best friend made him laugh by accident so much they got called out by the director of the school and had to do a lot of punishment work. Now Qiu was bringing silly girls to smile with his foolish and stupid behavior. He Cheng missed that. He missed the near of his best friend. Someone who managed to make him smile. Even if it was just a little bit.

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