The Queen Ain't That Smart Either

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Alethia swallowed hard. Wow, her father was dumb, but her mother most definitely wasn't. The Queen was going to find her now. She ran away, a little further this time, and hid.

Then, she continued to look at the book.

The Queen appeared in the same place her husband had appeared.

"Maybe that annoying Alethia has my Crystal book," the Queen mumbled. "But it's sure lucky that I have a Crystal ball!"

Alethia gasped out loud. The Crystal ball would show Alethia, and surely she'd be caught.

"Show me Alethia," the Queen told the ball.

The ball cooperated with her. It showed Alethia, staring at the Crystal Book, in her hiding place.

"There she is!" The Queen snorted at Alethia's flimsy hiding spot. "Ha-ha, I've got you now!"

Alethia panicked and closed the book. She ran and ran, far away with no destination. She stopped and took a breath. Alethia looked behind her. No sign of the Queen... but then, suddenly, she heard a loud rumbling sound...


Alethia turned. Her eyes widened as she saw the strange creature slithering out of the ground-

It was a giant worm.

Now, a tiny worm was unpleasant enough for Alethia- she was kind of a timid person. But a giant worm? That's enough to cause nightmares for a month.

Alethia tried not to scream. She carefully tip-toed her way past the worm, and hid behind a flower again.

The Queen was still running at Alethia. Supposedly she hadn't noticed the worm.

Finally, the Queen saw the worm and screamed.

"Gross! Get out of my way, you-you-you disgusting worm!"

Alethia, hidden behind her flower, watched with fear at first, but then was swallowed by amusement as the Queen jumped this way and that, screaming in terror.

After a moment, though, the Queen came back to her senses. "Right." She sighed, smacking her forehead. "I know a spell!"

Alethia shuddered. This woman clearly was exactly like a witch.

The Queen muttered a strange incantation and immediately after the worm began to wither. A few moments later, the worm crawled away.

"Man, I've never seen a worm that huge before. I must get rid of it when I get the book back," said the Queen.

Alethia realized that she had to hide now, or the Queen would find her.

Alethia had a dumb idea (surprise, surprise).

But dumb ideas were always worth a try, when there was no other ideas to go with.

She ran to the strangest and possibly most utterly disgusting place in Flowerland: the hole the worm had come out of.

The Princess and the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now