Chapter 2

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I finished putting on my gear when my sisters hugged me and wished me luck I kissed their foreheads and Paige came in and wished me luck once I was ready my music hit i was walking with my robe on I threw it to some fan probably not gonna get it back but I ended up high fiveing some little kid and made my way to the ring just then carmella's music started in came carmella giving her awful smile I just smirked this is gonna be easy once she was in the ring we started the match I dodged her hits when she tackled me the ref counted 1 2 and a kick out by me I punched her grabbed her hair and made her hit the ropes I grabbed her and brought her down the red counted 1 2 and a kick out I punched her again and once I knocked her out I got on top of her and the red counted 1 2  3 my music hit I had won  just then I heard "let's light it up " in came aj skipping into the ring I rolled my eyes I got out and slammed aj on the floor and left her  there

A love story between y/n and aj leeWhere stories live. Discover now