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vampiregirl2131890 1dkingwell okbyeyall

Freddie bustles around in her kitchen trying to get some things prepared and made. The kettle hisses and makes Freddie cover her over sensitive ears. They twitch and lay flat against her head until the ear piercing screeching stops.

She makes her famous tea. Making sure to only use vegan products. 

"That's what makes it taste better." Freddie hums adding some blueberry chunks and pouring it into a big soup thermos.

Her ears perk up hearing rustling coming from the front of the house. She leaves the goods wrapped on the counter. She peeks through her beaded curtain door into her living room and she sees nothing.

Freddie scratches at her chin, her nose wiggles and she can smell a faint hint of river water. She begins to retreat back into her kitchen when the door's hanging bell begins to ring loudly.

 It was one of the sounds that wasn't too shrill on Fred's ears. The Parsian Indian elf smoothes her dress down and enters the living room a little scared.

Freddie takes a cautious step to her door, the bell has been ringing for the past minute. Her pointed ears twitch and she listens softly a chime of bells that wasn't her own door alerted her it was Regina. 

Freddie opens the door greeting Regina warmly, the blond smiles showing her pretty white teeth and she's a little damp possibly bathing in the river again.

"Hey, Reggie." Freddie kisses her friend on the cheek.

Regina hugs her tight her bracelet jingles, "What's that good smell?" she asks frantically, sniffing over Freddie's shoulder.

Freddie chuckles, "My sponge cakes and blueberry tea?"

Freddie felt her bare shoulder get wet by a warm liquid, "Reg? Are, are--- Are you drooling?" 

"Can I have some pretty please!!" her tail thumps against Freddie's thigh.

"I was making them for Brianna. She's a little under the weather this morning." Freddie explains with a chuckle pulling Regina off.

"Oh just one nibble!" 

Freddie boops her nose, "No young lady." 

Regina pouts and whines watching Freddie pack them items along with a few other goodies in a picnic basket.

They begin down the footpath to Brianna's soon after. Freddie's shifting the basket hand to hand talking about her new painting she's doing.

"A snake!" Regina shouts jumping into Freddie's arms, knocking the basket to the ground.

Freddie looks down a garden snake no bigger than a toddler's sneaker slithers past them, "Goddamn it, Reg. Not again." she drops Regina on her ass.

Regina whines tail tucked between her legs, "You can be such a scaredy cat." Freddie tells her, making Regina whimper, "But I love ya." she sticks her hand out and Regina hoists herself back up with Freddie's help.

Regina dusts herself off as Freddie checks the basket for damaged goods. Seeing none the two carry on to Brianna's.

They make it to the tiny cottage with a luscious garden surrounding it. Freddie lets herself with the key around her neck, "Bri! Brimie!"

A cough and a sniffle Brianna drags herself to them. Even with a cold her beauty radiates. Many men and women have fallen for her beauty but she has rejected them all.

"Here I got your goods." Freddie chirps bouncing on her heels.

Brianna sniffles, "And a slobbering puppy."

Regina flips her off wiping the drool off her mouth, "You're a dick."

Brianna laughs and hugs her friends, "Oh come on. I'm not that bad." 

Freddie nudges Brianna, she barely comes underneath her chest, ''Someone's crushing."

Brianna playfully shoves her, "Nah." 

The three friends sit in the living room where Brianna shares the goods Freddie packed with each of them. They enjoy their treat before Brianna asks if they want to go into town for supplies and groceries.

"Oooh they opened up a new tavern!" Regina's tail wags as they walk through the forest.

"I want to go to the market." Brianna informs, "I need some groceries." 

"We can do both." Freddie informs smoothing down her red sleeveless summer dress.

Regina feels a faint blush dust across her cheeks as Freddie pulls down her dress some and her busty chest gets squeezed.

Brianna takes Freddie's arm, her vision isn't that good, she can only really make out vague shapes. She's blind to her own beauty.

The path divides into the main part of town where the tavern is the other side is where the market is along with other goods.

"Well are you coming?" Regina asks, tugging on her wrist.

Freddie shakes her head, "We need food first." 

Regina whines and pouts following after them. They make it to the stall where a woman with short brunette hair and dark sunglasses on, "Welcome, my name is Joan." 

Brianna blushes. She sounded so pretty and she always helps Brianna out with her shopping. This time Regina helps Brianna as Freddie talks to Joan.

Once Brianna has her items she begins to pay for them. Regina nods at a customer coming in and she had many rings on. She was beautiful.

Regina shakes her head and helps Brianna walk out, "Time for the booze!!"

Brianna laughs, "Let me go back home then we can go get drunk." 

Regina shifts into her wolf form her clothes laying in a pile behind her now, "Let me do it for you. I'm faster." 

Brianna places the handle in Regina's mouth and the white furred wolf runs into the woods. The remaining two women walk down the path to the tavern. Freddie carried Regina's clothes underneather her arm sloppily folded together,  

"I really like Joan." Brianna admits, "I may ask her out tomorrow." 

Freddie found out talking to Joan that she is the daughter of Medusa, "I don't know about doing that."

"She's so kind to me and helps me go shopping!" Brian hums bouncing.

Freddie steadies her as Brianna nearly trips over a rock despite their height differences.

"Why shouldn't I ask her out?" Brianna asks, cocking her head like a puppy, "Do you hate gays?"

"No!" Freddie raises her hands up, "I'm queer myself…" Freddie pauses and looks away.

"Then Fred why shouldn't I ask her out?"

Freddie messes with her hands, "Well.." 

"How about I don't want you to turn to stone? Or you're my best friend in the whole wide world and I want you to not be a garden statue? I want to see you're smile. Hear your laugh." many thoughts raced through Fred's head.

Should Freddie tell Brianna the truth or lie?

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