The Sea Is Calling

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Freddie looks at Brianna making sure no others are around, “Joan told me she’s Medusa’s daughter ya know the turn you into stone type.. She's a bad guy...”

Brianna looks in her direction, “Fred, she can’t do me any harm. I gotta look her in the eyes.”


Brianna leans down to be somewhat at Freddie’s level, “I’m nearly blind. By the time I get the balls to ask her out I’ll be completely blind.” a sad laugh leaves Brianna's lips.

Freddie hugs her tight, “I don’t want you to be a statue still! What if she still hurts you!”

Brianna picks her up, “You have nothing to fear. I’ll keep safe. For her powers only work on those with sight.”

“You promise?” Freddie asks nuzzling her, 

“I promise, shortie.” Brianna ruffles her hair, "I did research when young." 

Freddie sticks her tongue and Brianna does the same, the women both laugh bumping their heads together. 

A bowl is heard from behind them and Regina is back. She transforms back into human and stands there naked in front of them,

 “Did one of you take my clothes? I can’t find them and it’s so cold my nipples are stiff. I mean I can slice dimonds with these bad boys.”

Freddie covers her eyes and hands Regina her clothes back, “We didn’t need to know that, darling.”

Regina shrugs and shakes the water off of her, “Are we going to the tavern now?” Regina asks, shaking her head trying to get the water to rung out, “I’m dying for a drink.”

“Did you fall in the river again?” Brianna asks, shielding herself from the water splatter.

“Well no one told me there was mud.” Regina huffs walking alongside Brianna now Freddie trailing behind, "It looks like that area got soaked and I didn't see while running."

Freddie stops walking, her ears perk up twitching some she felt the weight of her earrings for a moment before she looks around.

The wind rustles and the leaves blow across the ground scattering about in a tango. She takes a step back and sniffs the air, “Hello?”

Regina turns around her ears perk up, “There’s something in the woods.”

Brianna tries to look around and she gets scared. The curly haired woman clings to Regina. A bloody woman stumbles over to Freddie grabbing her arm, “It’s in the sea!”

“What’s in the sea?” Freddie asks prying off the bloody woman.

“It!” the woman yells, "It took my Birdie!"

Freddie kisses the woman’s forehead healing her of any wounds, “I’m Freddie.”

“Elma John.” the woman seems calmer less scared.

The three bring Elma inside the tavern and get a table away from the noise and chaos of the drunks,  locals and not, “Now what’s in the sea?” Freddie asks, "You only called it "It"."

Their waitress brings drinks down onto their table she winks at Brianna and walks to the other tables.

Brianna shudders and downs her drink, "Not into redheads." 

Freddie rolls her eyes and faces Elma, "The sea?"

Elma sips her drink, her eyes welt with fresh pink tears, "There's these sirens.. I docked my boat trying to fish with Birdie and next thing I know there was singing it was so.. Grand… Our heads grew foggy." 

Regina gestures for her to continue interested in Elma's tale most sailors dream of, 

"We drifted our boat over to check it out and two girls were on the rocks singing. One with auburn hair another had doe eyes and a guilty look on her face." 

"We got to check it out." Regina grins tail wagging, hitting Brianna and Freddie's legs as she sits between them, "I haven't seen a siren in years!"

"Seeing sirens could be nice but also deadly." Freddie pauses tapping her lips before chewing on her plump bottom lip, "We should go check it out." 

"Regina, Farahnaz, don't." Brianna's voice was soft, "Sirens are deadly." 

"Look I'm the only gay one here." Freddie states not outing Brianna, "We'll be fine."

"I totally like men!" Regina blurts, choking down her drink, "Nice.. Short…smells like a fresh summer's evening..." Regina's eyes flicker over to Freddie who was gazing softly at her friends a gentle smile showing her beautiful teeth,

 "Beautiful warm brown eyes that look like.." she pauses looking at Freddie again.

Fred's eyes remind the blond of Devil's cake, taunting and tempting, curtained by black lashes, the symbol of rich seduction. She doesn't say that though and let's the statement die in the back of her throat.

"So seeing the sirens or not?" Freddie asks.

She didn't get an answer the four women just downed their drinks one after the other as if that would patch over the silence.

It grew late and Elma bid them farewell. Freddie hugs her tight and tells her she hopes to meet her again.

Brianna pays the tab her belly churning now as the chilled autumn air hits her skin as they leave. She saw Freddie shiver and rub her arms, "Are we going to the sea?" Freddie asks, trembling like a leaf.

It seems like the warmth of the booze has left them as soon as they left the tavern, "I wanted to go home." Brianna states.

"Please." Freddie tries to give the biggest puppy dog eyes ever.

Regina seems to be already heading towards the sea or to the dock where all the big boats are kept.

 "She's a big girl she can handle two sirens she's delt with worse" Brianna thought to herself, "She fought Ms. Prenter and win when Prenter took a picture underneath Freddie's skirt and Prenter was a Cyclops!"

She looks at Freddie shaking about to be blown away by the wind she's shaking so badly she looks like a Chihuahua during a thunderstorm. The closest home would be Regina's she lives in the town in a small cluster of apartment buildings for werewolves,

 "It keeps the crime down if their kind is together" the mayor of the village informed the crowd, they were only little girls during that time it was scary watching the feisty blond and her family be hauled into the complex. Brianna wasn't allowed to Regina for six whole months until the families had settled. It was the worst times of their lives now none refuse to bring it up.

 Brianna snaps to the present. Looking back between Regina tail between her legs and Freddie chattering and shaking. Bri has to make a choice. She's the most level headed of the group and had the least to drink tonight.

Do they go to the docks or Regina's apartment?

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