Break Up?

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Brianna looks to Joan then to her friends, "I'm staying here. Just to help Joan adjust to her son. Then I'll be back. I promise! Just give me a few days!" 

Freddie sets the boat sail and Brianna walks back to Joan's side. The curly haired woman and her new girlfriend wave goodbye.

Regina pouts, "This isn't fair." 

"Shh." Freddie shushes planting a soft kiss against Regina's lips, "We can have some alone time." 

Freddie squeezes her thigh making the blond blush and look away. At least she stopped her pouting. Regina and Freddie bicker over Brianna staying behind but Freddie doesn’t seem to be getting angry or upset, she remains calm while Regina stays hotheaded.

They make it back to the docks and step out the boat with wobbly legs. Freddie goes toppling over her legs haven’t adjusted to now being on dry land. Luckily a beautiful woman catches her, she had many rings on and sad blue eyes a nice ocean blue.

“Watch yourself little lady.” the woman says helping Freddie steady herself.

Regina growls and walks over eyes trained on the older woman. She puts a protective arm around Freddie’s tiny waist. She’s always been protective of her girls, they are a part of her pack.

“This is my girlfriend, Regina.” Freddie introduced hearing “girlfriend” Regina’s tail starts wagging.

The woman chuckles, “Richenda but you can call me Ringo.” Ringo flashes her many rings Freddie recognizes one coming from a well known jeweler in the town, the jeweler is a young woman named Georgette Harrison-Starkey her partner is some big explorer who caught BigFoot and The Loch Ness Monster and even found the rare black footed fairies.

Regina growls and keeps holding Freddie close eyes darken,  

“No need to bite, Wolfie. I’m married.” She holds up one ring on her left hand one with a simple black band with a tiny green stone.

Regina still keeps Freddie close, her Freddie close. Ringo offers to walk them to her place for a cuppa and some food, the women forgot they haven’t eaten since early morning and it was now nearly the afternoon.

They walk to Ringo’s who seems to live in a giant house in the trees. Regina can’t see any way in. Ringo points them to the ladder which had to be a foot or two off the ground.

“Here, ladies first.” Ringo cups her hands and gives Freddie a boost to reach the ladder.

 Regina hisses, “I could have done that for her.” she grabs the ladder, a simple rope ladder which shakes and buckles as Regina jerks on it trying to get up but struggling.

Freddie screams and comes crashing down holding her hands out to brace her fall she had to be at least eleven feet up. Regina could hear the crunch even without her super hearing. There was a silence as Freddie lays on the ground moaning in pain and grabbing her wrist.

Regina races towards her, “Stay the fuck back!” Freddie screams holding her right hand protectively against her chest, “You jealous bitch!” tears were running down Freddie’s face.

Ringo scoops Freddie up with one arm making Freddie look so much younger. Regina tries again only for Freddie to kick at her and keep her wrist tighter against her chest, “Just leave me alone!”

Regina shifts into her wolf form and takes off into the woods she didn’t want to let them see her cry, no. She felt so awful she never meant to hurt Freddie. Regina slinks into a cave she weeps her heart out, she wished she wasn’t so jealous or worried Freddie was going to leave her. She had no one left but her friends and now she had none.

Georgette tends to Freddie’s break; she was once a nurse before she became a jeweler.  Georgette rubs the Begonia flower on it, “There, there love.” 

Freddie whimpers and winces letting her go limp as Georgette wraps it tight in a ace wrap then putting it in a sling, “I’m sorry the doctor’s out of town. We did the best we can do.” 

“It’s fine.” Freddie winces trying to flex her fingers and grimaces at the burning pain, “Fuck I look like a battered housewife.” 

Georgette winces and Ringo squeezes her hand, “Sorry.” Freddie apologizes.

Freddie rubs her black knees; it hurts to walk let alone stand up. She looks to the wives in front of her, “Can you send a message out to Brianna? Tell her I’m wounded.”

Freddie had bruises all over her legs, arms, torso, chest, and face. She was so sore and battered. She couldn’t move let alone write a letter to her friend. Georgette writes the letter and grabs her carrier pigeon she gives it to her bird who flies off to the island where Brianna is. Freddie curls up in the recliner and Georgette covers her with a soft quilt.

Brianna is tucking Robert into his carrier right as the pigeon arrives. She takes the paper and reads it and her stomach drops. She runs to Joan who helps her onto the boat, the three of them sail to the main island. Brianna can’t help but pace around with Robert in her arms as they sail. It would take four hours before they would arrive on the main island. And all Brianna did was worry.

She runs onto land Robert in his carrier on her back. Joan shouts and follows after Brianna who’s now running off with her kid. They make it to the Harrison’s in record time but there’s a low growl coming from behind them.

Brianna whirls around and sees a shape that looks like a wolf. Joan stands in front of Brianna and her son to protect them, “Regina?!”

How many wolves have golden white fur? There’s a bloody muzzle on them and they are getting more aggressive. Snarling and showing off their sharp blood stained teeth. There’s a shout, “Stop! Stop!” another voice chimes in, “That’s not Regina!”

Is it Regina or not?

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