Burning Flame

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I stood on the edge of the school's roof, looking down at the ground. According to my calculations, the fall would, assuming I had no luck—which was most likely the case—kill me. I stared down, images flashing in my head. Of my parents, to whom I would never be enough, of broken bottles, screams, tears and nightmares. One step and it would be so easy too. I put a foot forward and stopped, an image of my brother flashing in front of my eyes. With a broken-hearted smile on my face, I hopped off the ledge back onto the roof with a gentle thud. I couldn't do it, I still wanted to live. I wasn't the one who deserved to die.

A boy approached me, with brown hair, and a strange look on his face. I didn't know what to make of his expression for I was far too tired to analyze anything. He reached out a hand. "If there's something you'd like to forget, I can help you." He touched my arm, and I reacted automatically, grabbing his shirt and flipping him over. He landed with his back on the ground, and I placed my foot over his wrist, to prevent him from retaliating. I felt a hand around my waist and someone pulled me back before I could register what I'd done, letting me go just as quickly. I turned and looked into the face of my classmate, Haru Yayoi, and another boy standing beside him—his friend and also my classmate—Hajime Mutsuki. Hajime looked down at the boy and then turned to me.

"Why did you do that to Ruka?" he asked me. He didn't seem angry, but rather genuinely curious.

I shrugged knowing no answer of mine would be believed and turned to make my way to the stairs, walking past Hajime. He grabbed my wrist, and I tried to grab his shirt to flip him over too, but he was faster. He grabbed my wrist before I could grab him, and pain shot through my hand as I hissed. His eyes widened in surprise and he loosened his grip—just so that it wouldn't hurt—and then looked at Ruka.

"I see," he said. I had a feeling he understood the situation perfectly. He looked at me and added, "Ruka isn't a bad person." You should hear the creepy stuff he said before deciding that.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow while he looked back to Ruka. "Ruka, what exactly did you say to her?"

Ruka, who was still lying on the ground, looked up at Hajime. "I told her that if there was something she wanted to forget, I could help her." Oh, Ruka is quite honest.

Haru laughed. "That sounds shady."

"I meant it as an invitation to study together!" he said from the floor.

Maybe I should have realized that his expression was concern and not mocking. If I could feel anything right now, it would probably have been guilt.

Hajime let go of both my hands, and held out one to Ruka, who took it and got up.

"I'm sorry," I said, bowing in an apology.

"I should have worded it better," Ruka said, dusting himself off. "You're pretty, and I'm sure things will get better, okay?" He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs-up with a wink, as Hajime and Haru looked at each other with matching expressions of confusion. I nodded. He had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew he meant well.

"Did something happen?" Hajime asked.

Ruka looked at me, and I shook my head, rubbing my wrist absentmindedly. I would rather not have them know either. Next thing you know there'll be rumors floating around that I tried to jump off the building and was valiantly saved by a random passerby.

"Hajime has a firm grip, are you alright?" Haru said, reaching out a hand to my wrist.

"Ah, no!" I said, jumping back. "I'm fine, please excuse me." I turned and ran towards the stairs, leaving Haru with his hand still outstretched.

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