Just a Nightmare

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I woke up the next morning with my heart in my throat. My breathing was unsteady, my heart loud enough I was sure they'd hear it and find me. I covered my ears with my hands, as I curled up on my side, shaking. I didn't know how much time had passed, all I knew was that the tremors weren't stopping.

I flinched feeling someone's hand on my shoulder. They retracted their hand. I opened my eyes and looked up at concerned violet eyes, and Haru kneeling down next to me.

"Yuki?" Hajime asked, also kneeling down by the bed.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I rasped, answering their unanswered question.

Hajime looked as if he understood, and then turned around, sat down, and leaned against my bed. He started telling me a story. A story about how he was sleeping on the school grounds and how Haru had thrown a ball at him. He told me the conversation that followed, as Haru smiled from beside Hajime. From the story Hajime told me, I could conclude that Haru was a fanboy of Hajime. I could tell Haru was reminiscing as well. By the time Hajime had finished his story, my heartbeat had gone back to normal, and the tremors had stopped.

I pushed myself up and leaned against the bed frame. "Thank you."

Hajime nodded, and he and Haru got up.

"I came to wake you and saw you shivering, so I panicked and called Hajime," Haru said. "It's still early, so breakfast isn't ready yet, but do you want to come to the living room?"

I nodded as I stood up. It might be better not to be alone right now. I was fine, if a little unsteady. Did you know nightmares take a lot of energy out of you? Must be why kids are always sleeping in. Hajime took my hand and guided me out. Kai and Tia were sitting on the couch, as Hajime and I joined them. Haru went to the kitchen, where Yoru was standing, making some soup I guess.

"You look tired," Tia noted.

"Just a nightmare."

Tia nodded and called to Yoru, "Yoru! Do you have any hot chocolate?" I see she noticed I like sweets.

Yoru nodded, and Haru looked at Tia. Tia nodded to him, as I took a seat on the couch. Hajime sat next to me and I noticed a scent of coffee and royalty from him.

Kai and Tiara were talking about Procella and its members. No doubt Tiara wanted to do a character sketch of them, and I would've been inclined to join her if I wasn't so tired. I leaned back and closed my eyes as Hajime gently pulled me so that my head was on his shoulder.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Thought that might be more comfortable."

Haru handed me a cup of hot chocolate and handed a cup of coffee to Hajime. My expression softened at the scent of chocolate, as Tiara said, "That's the only kind of smile you'll get out of her."

"Thank you," I said to Haru, who smiled back.

"What did you dream of?" Hajime asked, as Haru listened in.

"I wonder. It wasn't anything important." After all, it was a nightmare that was no longer a reality. And it might be better for them to not know.

Hajime didn't press me for any details, but instead asked me if I had any work today. I told him I was free, and he told me I should sleep after breakfast. I nodded, as Aoi joined Yoru in the kitchen.


"I understand you want to help, but shouldn't you atleast push up your sleeves even if you're not gonna take off your jacket?" Kai asked me, exasperation written all over his face.

I simply shrugged and continued washing the dishes. I mean, it makes sense he'd ask me to roll up my sleeves, since water was getting all over them, but it would dry soon enough.

"Doesn't matter, since it'll dry soon." Of course, that's the best excuse I could come up with.

Kai sighed as Yoru walked in. They started preparing dinner as I finished up with the dishes. Tiara walked in, yawning, and then came up next to me.

"How was work?"

"Disastrous," said Tia.

I leaned against the counter as Kai asked her about the details. Looks like Tia was writing lyrics for one of my songs, but was stuck with writer's block. I wondered who was going to sing that song anyway. Well, I suppose it wasn't my business, since it now technically belongs to the agency.


After dinner, someone knocked on my door, and I said, "Come in," while quickly donning a jacket. Hajime walked in. I didn't expect him here. I scooted over and he took a seat on my bed.

"Hello?" I said, unsure what to say.

He handed me a small bracelet. It looked like a charm bracelet and it had a pendant on it. A small, purple rabbit. It was... how to say... cute?

"I asked Shun to make you a charm."

I stared at him until he continued.

"For your nightmares," Hajime said dryly, ruffling my hair. That came as a surprise. "He said they would help."

"Thank you," I said, with my expression softening.

"You should thank Shun later." Hajime got up and made his way to the door. "Good night, Yuki." Hmm? Was I to take that as a nickname?

"Good night, Hajime."


Shun's charm worked well. I had a restful sleep, with no nightmares or interruptions. I was free for the month since I had no work given to me by the president, but I still wrote songs to keep them in advance. Tia invited me out with Rui and Yoru, both of whom wanted to take me to the bookstore. They showed me around their favorite haunts as well. I wondered what had happened to my house. Was it left like that? Did they rebuild it? Was there anything left there?

We stopped by at a bookstore that was hauntingly close to my house. I disappeared from the bookstore for a second without telling anyone, and made my way over to my house. It certainly burned down to the ground. I noticed a small pendant on the ground. A small cherry blossom, a gift from my brother, before he died and everything turned upside down. My parents hadn't let me wear it, and I thought they had thrown it away. I picked it up and attached it to my necklace as I made my way back to the bookstore.

"We thought we lost you!" Tia ran to me as I walked back in.

"Sorry, thought I saw someone I knew," I said, putting a hand on the back of my neck. It was a lie, but a harmless one.

"Did you manage to talk to them?" Rui asked me.

"No, couldn't catch up."

Yoru handed me a book of sheet music, and said it was a gift to me. I thanked him despite being surprised. I mean, you don't usually give gifts to people you've just met, do you?

We headed back to the dorms, and I headed to bed. I was far too tired to care about dinner. Hajime woke me up for dinner anyway. We made our way to the dining table.

"Are you sure I didn't do that?" He asked, looking at my wrist. My jacket sleeve appeared to have ridden up again. I put my spoon down.

"Pretty sure."

"Were you abused?"

He hit the nail on the head. I started choking on my food as Haru thumped me on the back. Haru raised an eyebrow at Hajime and I realized he wasn't listening to the conversation between me and Hajime. Well, that works in my favor.

"Of course not," I said, with complete and utter confidence and a straight face. I rubbed the back of my neck lightly. "I was in an accident when I was younger."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't push further.


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