
295 15 10

http_michiko on AO3 mentioned Komori was her fav so I decided to make him SUFFER :D

Komori shows up with bruising. Most people think it's just from practicing himself, but things start to get more confusing. A simple touch, on something as simple as his shoulder, sends him jumping. He ends up being clingy and doesn't want to be alone. Both his Cousin and Boyfriend/Captain are concerned but have no idea what's going on. Its not until Iizuna over hears a familiar 'please...just leave me alone' through sobs. He turns the corner to find his boyfriend pined the wall by someone, 2 goons with him. Said bf has a black eye, and marks around his wrist from them holding them tight. Iizuna gets their attention and asks-no demands to let Komori go. The leader does but the goons take his place. He gets in Iizuna face and asks 'No. What you going to do about it?' he throws a punch, that's what he does. There's a sicking crack and blood. They ending up dipping after that, and Komori ends up falling on the floor, still crying a bit. Iizuna simply puts his jacket over his hurt lover, picks him and takes him to his house to care for him.

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