Ships And Their Third Wheels

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Inspired by a convo with one of my writing children, it's pretty much dialogue starters but idgf. Ship Suggestions (and third wheels):

Honestly there is so many ships that could work with this so I just picked my favs

-'Really your gonna do this? Right in front of my salad'

-'OH lo0k At uS wE'Re hAppY, aNd N0t dEAd iNsIde! Get fucked, both of you'

-'Would you rather spend a day with --- or-' '---' 'I didn't even finish-' 'You don't need too'

-'Yeah well I still have your jersey!' 'I still have your virginity!' 'INTERNALLY SCREAMING'

-'How do you like your popcorn? Sweet or salty?' 'Like you.' 'They don't have ugly popcorn' OR 'Pretty sure that's too much salt'

-'You know you deserve a perfect guy for you' '*screaming in the distance* '...I want that one.'

-'That's ridiculous. --- doesn't have a crush on me' 'Yes he does' 'Yes he does' 'Yes I do'

-'Is that a hickey?' 'What?! No, it's just a mosquito bite.' 'Yeah sure' '*walks in* 'Hey guys' 'Hi mosquito'

-'The sun is bright today' '*staring at their partner* Yeah it is'

-'A week ago I accidentally slept with ---' '....really?' 'Yes' 'You accidentally slept with ---?' 'Yes' 'Accidentally?' 'Yes.' 'I don't understand, did you trip over something?'

-'Wait, you mean I could have told have just told --- I was in love with him? 'Yeah, what did you do instead?' 'I told them I was straight!' '....---, no one is gonna believe that.' 'Oh thank god' 'No one expect ---' 'Fuck'

-'Hey nice hair' 'Thanks?' 'I'll bet it would look nicer balled up in my fist when I p-' 'PRAISE LORD JESUS AMEN'

-'I spy with my little eye something that starts with s' '*looks at the couple* Is it sexual tension?'

-'Hey I didn't know you guys were together!' 'I wouldn't say together-' 'Together is pretty strong word...' '....You guys are practically married'

-'The food's too hot. I can't eat it.' 'You're too hot, I still eat you *winks while the other turns red*' 'One dinner. I just wanted one peaceful dinner, ONE-

There's 15 in here but I have more imao

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