Chapter 1: Introduction

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Jennie was staring at the ground, slight numb of what had just happened. She could hear faint voices around the room that echoed onto her mind but she couldn't concentrate. She slowly blinked and looked up when she heard a man walking back and forth, talking to the judge.

"...At first, it's all just in the movie." He said, putting his hands behind his back. "Something we heard to some people they wished to have secret admirers. Then we came to know people who's experiencing... stalkers. Most of them who's experiencing it are celebrities. It shocked them knowing they have obsessed stalkers, but yours... it's different kind of obsession. I first heard of a case going on in the US 3 years ago. Something that wasn't fictional. An obsessed innocent lover, Park Chaeyoung also known as Roseanne Park."

Jennie looked more alive as she heard that name. But she frowned as she realized what he said and she was about to protest but she felt it wasn't her place.

"Mr. Park, may I remind you that this isn't a trial and that Miss Park Chaeyoung... is dead." The judge said. "We're here only to take Miss Kim's testimony." The counselor seemed taken aback but regained his composure.

"Yes, your honor." He said and turned to Jennie. "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim. Your name is known to world now for being a survivor in a massacre that was committed by Park Chaeyoung. We wanna know how all this happened."

Jennie remained quiet. She felt as if she's going to throw up or start crying. She hated how this man was saying Chaeyoung's name. "Miss Kim?" The judge called in a hurrying tone.

" Chaeyoung wasn't... obsessed." Jennie finally said and her words hung in the air as they all frowned at her. "She killed a lot of people, yes. But Chaeyoung... Chaeyoung was the only person who treated me the way I wanted to be treated. She's a brilliant woman. She had the IQ of 149 points. You see a mind like that wasn't caught by accident. She wanted to be healed and live a normal life with me..." Jennie's eyes filled with tears.

"You're saying Park Chaeyoung was.... brilliant?"

"Let her speak, counselor." The judge said. Jennie wiped her tears with her shaky hands.

"I don't understand Chaeyoung 's mind nor do I want to. I just know I met her when it was too late. Maybe if her mom didn't bring her to the mental hospital before, she wasn't going to be easily triggered." Jennie said. "She just wanted to be loved by me, that I regret not to give because I'm too focusing on how horrible she was. She once told me, 'Jennie, I'm the most terrible girl you've ever met'. But I didn't believe her. There are more people who's more scarier than a serial killer," Jennie couldn't help the small smirk that formed to her face. "It's the one who made them."

The judge frowned to hear that description of Chaeyoung, especially coming from one of her victims.

"Excuse me Miss Kim... I have to ask you to tell us exactly what happened." The judge asked.

Jennie took a deep breath and started telling the story of how she met the terrible Park Chaeyoung. Again.

A/N: Wassup gay- guy- ( wait if you are reading this you are seriously gay so I'm just gonna say gays ) gays. Erm. Anyways this is my second book and this is just a convert story so in short words most parts of the story does not belong to me, I just changed the characters, other words and maybe other plots to. And also credits to @Fauler_Author he / she also made a convert story of this but it's a JenSoo one, so if someone already did a convert story of Chaennie using this book please tell me in the comment section, or dm me here in wattpad or in my messenger / facebook account @Tyours MiChaeng or in my Instagram account @tyours_616. So I'll update ASAP. Thanks for reading. Lots of love!


Also check out this books too: (Raine, Rhianna if your reading this- don't kill me please. erm. XD)


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