Chapter 8: Love Her?

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Jennie was just reading the book she managed to ask to Chaeyoung to buy her when a weight dug the bed that made her look up, exactly lips caught her own.

It was their usual routine, after eating their meal, they will make out until they decided to take a bath together and Jennie's getting used to it.

Even she's being chain on the bed after she get dressed, or pushed hard on the head board because of Chaeyoung 's aggression's, she's still not mad. Well, she wasn't really mad about it. Actually, she found it so turning on. Knowing Chaeyoung 's possessiveness that she will do everything not to make her bored nor let her do things that will cause her to hurt her.

It's getting intense again and this time, it was Chaeyoung who pulled out. She was breathing hard but she could manage to look at the redhead's bright blue eyes. It's melting her soul causing her lips to form a sweet smile.

"It's been so long when... when you got out." Chaeyoung whispered making Jennie's frown harder. "Do you want me to release you?" Jennie's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"Well, I'm planning to take you for a walk inside this huge house... rewarding your behavior with me." Chaeyoung smiled that earned her a hug from Jennie.

"Of course," Jennie said and began on peppering Chaeyoung 's face with kisses. "..even I'm almost here for two months now, I'm still wondering what's inside this house apart from this horrible part of your house."

Yep, it's been almost two months yet Jennie's not getting anything yet with Chaeyoung. She's not complaining at all coz she really understand the brunette's situation, sometimes and gotten so frustrated. She sometimes think in desperation that she could touch herself in front of Chaeyoung to show her how to do it with her but she's hesitating coz it might make her freak out and she doesn't want that to happen. She needs some times to make those things happen.

"Well, if you're going to behave more. I won't handcuff us but you need to hold my hand and never let go of it what ever happens. Do you understand?"

Jennie swallowed hard and thought about it for a second. "Is there.... um, more terrifying situation outside this floor?"

"Nope. I already cleaned the other floors the other day when you were sleeping. I'm sure you will like it. I'll also wanna take you to my own room." Chaeyoung winked, Jennie blushed.

"I can behave but please don't make me go somewhere where there's dead people or what. I swear to god, I will make you freak out if I got a nervous breakdown." Jennie said, Chaeyoung just chuckled at her cuteness. She leaned in and gently kissed the redhead's lips. It was just a peck as Chaeyoung pulled back and proceeded on unlocking the padlock on the chain.

"God, I feel so free right now." Jennie mumbled and sighed. She smiled when Chaeyoung offered a hand on her. She accepted it and made their hands intertwine. It's like they're going in a horror house as Jennie's grip on Chaeyoung's hand tightened when she opened the door.

As usual, Jennie's sight in the horrible dim place was still overwhelming. She couldn't help but to slightly squirm under Chaeyoung 's touch as they walked across them.

"You okay?" Chaeyoung asked as if she's really used to it. Jennie just nodded but made their walk even faster, she's already dragging the brunette to the stairs. Occasionally avoiding the snake's skin on the handle. Chaeyoung chuckled at Jennie.

Since the both of them enjoyed the routine and Jennie being enthusiasm to her made her learn about giggling and chuckling at little things like what Jennie's doing. Seeing her being ridicule made her wanna laugh.

Obsession: Chaennie ffWhere stories live. Discover now