Chapter 5: Pathetically In-denial

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It's night and Jennie couldn't sleep yet. She's wide awake and all she had in mind is how to escape. She only had a piece of pillow, mattress and blanket. She can't even move a little farther because of the chain on her ankle and even she didn't have a chain, she's naked and she wouldn't dare to run naked, it's more dangerous than staying at a criminal house. She better die here than to be raped outside.

After she ate that afternoon, Chaeyoung didn't show up again with her and she's getting anxious about her planning to kill her husband.

She can't read her face, she doesn't even know what's on her mind or if she's really telling the truth. If she didn't know Chaeyoung she will think she's just trying to scare her for her not to try escape.

But it's been 5 years, maybe she learned a lot of thing, she learned how to lie just to manipulate people. Since she kidnapped her, maybe she does.

Suddenly the door opened and it showed the brunette. It's dark but she can tell it's her. She's holding a bowl of water and a piece of face towel. Jennie finally thought of something.

Chaeyoung walked to the redhead, she sat next to her and was about to pull the blanket off Jennie when the redhead stopped her.

"I wanna go to pee..." Jennie whispered. "Please, I'm holding it since this afternoon."

Chaeyoung looked at her for a while. She was about to stand when Jennie spoke again.

"I also wanna take a hot shower..." Jennie pleaded. Chaeyoung smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'm just gonna prepare your tub-"

"I can't hold it anymore."

"You won't run?" Chaeyoung asked still not fully trusting Jennie.

The thought of not seeing what's behind this door sending her shivers. Maybe if she finally saw it she can find a way out. She immediately nodded. "I promised."

"Okay." Chaeyoung said and took the key out of her pocket. It's unusual key coz it was like a stick with few curves. She used it to unlock Jennie's chain and as soon as she was released, Jennie sighed in relief and glared at the brunette. Chaeyoung's planning to remove the chain the bedpost and while she's doing that, Jennie took the glass bowl and immediately broke it on Chaeyoung 's head causing her to stumble on the bed while whimpering in pain. The water on it spilled on the bed.

Jennie took that opportunity to run off the room along with the blanket. As soon as she got out of the room, she stiffened, gasped and widened her eyes as she stared at the furnitures. It was made by animals. There's liquor stand made from an elephant's foot, a door stop made from an ostrich foot, a candelabra made from a monkey, lamps made from a black swan, an emu, monkeys, and a black bear, a chair made from a baby giraffe with neck and head rising from the back, a porter's chair made out of a baby elephant, and a tiger chair with the seat covered in the animal's skin, the tail coiled around the edge, and the head and paws ... arranged so as to give the impression that the terrible animal is about to spring.

It's a dark place with a dim red lights. It wasn't a red bulb, it was a white bulb covered with dry blood. The wall has a different kinds of shotguns, bow and arrow, knives, machetes and baseball bats.

She was stiffened and couldn't move until she felt a strong arms grabbed her arms on the back and abruptly kicked the back of her knee to make her kneel on the carpet. She whimpered as she landed on the carpet.

"I'm sorry Jennie but I need to do this," Chaeyoung said as she put a handcuffs on her wrists from the back before carrying her back to her room.

When Jennie's back landed on the bed, she kicked Chaeyoung off her making the brunette stumbled once again on the bed but Chaeyoung managed to stand immediately before Jennie could even sit up. She accidentally slapped Jennie's face causing the redhead's spun back to the bed with a loud cry. Chaeyoung widened her eyes as she realized what she did and immediately pulled Jennie on her body to hug her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry!"

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