Chapter 9: People Change

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"Jennie..." Chaeyoung said softly while stroking Jennie's auburn hair. She's loving it the softness of it. "You awake?"

"No..." Jennie giggled against Chaeyoung 's chest. Chaeyoung frowned. "You're awake." Chaeyoung said.

"I'm not." Jennie said sarcastically. Chaeyoung playfully hissed.


"What is it?"

"You're sleeping, why would I tell you." Chaeyoung said playfully, Jennie kissed Chaeyoung 's chest. "Do you think I'm really sleeping?" Jennie asked cutely.

"No." Chaeyoung answered. "Good. Now tell me, my idiot." Jennie said.

"I saw a dead black cat on the trash can, did you see that?" Chaeyoung hesitantly asked. She doesn't want to ask coz she doesn't want to make the redhead startle but she saw a sudden shift on Jennie's face, she looked away. "No, there's one?" Jennie asked back. Chaeyoung nodded.

"It has a stab on it's head, Jen... um. I didn't do anything to that-"

"I know, I know. I'm just kidding when I told you no, I did that." Jennie answered calmly. Chaeyoung was taken back by her calm tone "What?"

"No-I mean yes but it's an accident. I saw that cat entering the window so I shooed it but it almost scratched me so I tackled it and accidentally stabbed- I didn't mean it okay, I'm just startled." Jennie explained with sincerity and Chaeyoung just nodded.

Few moments later, Chaeyoung hugged her for a while before exhaling an air. "That's deep."

"Do you think... if I were just living with a normal life-" Chaeyoung started again.

"You're normal, Chaeyoung. Stop saying that." Jennie cut off.

"Okay." Chaeyoung paused. "What if I'm living a life like you have before, like, my father didn't chain me in bed and locked me up in an empty room, and he's just teaching me stuffs when I was a kid, I wouldn't feel the need of killing people like him?" Jennie asked, hopeful.

Jennie sighed. "I don't really know... maybe yes? maybe no?"

"You know, after my father died. My mom took me and taught me a lot of things. I enjoyed it but it's not enough. She said, I'm already 16 yet I still don't know how to speak so she brought me to the doctor. I stayed there for a while and I learned to speak and sing. They made my mouth exercise so I can pronounce words right. I didn't know why my mom was surprised but the doctor told me I have an IQ of 149 points-"

Jennie abruptly pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes. "149?!" Chaeyoung frowned. "Yes?"

"What the hell? How long have you been there?"

"The doctor said 2 months?" Chaeyoung said. "Holy shit. You learned to speak for just 2 months!" Jennie exclaimed in amusement. "Babies learned to speak properly for 5 years!"

"Really? I didn't know that." Chaeyoung looked down. "Maybe that's the reason why she pressured me to go to school-"

"But you did go to school?"

"Yes, mom told me I must do great things but I stopped coz I'm panicking when I'm with a lot of people." Chaeyoung said softly. "Also, they're bullying me. One time, I panicked and I stabbed one of those bullies with a pen. The ink of it buried to his chest-"

"Did he die?" Jennie asked before it gets to further.

"I don't know. They kicked me out for doing it and I realized everything, I'm so different with everyone and that's made me like this. That made me monster... which still made me do great things. Terrible," Chaeyoung 's smile turned into an impish smile that brings Jennie a little bit of chills. "...but great." She looked at Jennie, straight in her eyes. "Jennie, I'm the most terrible girl you've ever met."

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