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Belle sits in the seat on the TARDIS. Rumple sits next to her, unusually quiet. Belle stays quiet too, her hands holding his. "Rumple." She whispers, putting her hand on his cheek. Rumple jumps slightly, looking shocked at Belle's touch.
"Oh Rumple... Who did this to you." She says softly. It was like he wasn't even in there. His mind was somewhere else.
Her mind did some thinking.
"Rumplestiltskin." She says. No answer. "You're not answering me because you're not Rumplestiltskin."
The man looks at Belle and smiles making Belle's blood turn icy. Belle looks at this man with her husbands face. "Where is Rumple?" She says, narrowing her eyes.
"Don't you worry dearie." The man says in Rumple's voice. "Doctor! Rose!" Belle yells, going to the door and opening it, not taking her eyes off of the fake- Rumple. "This man is an imposter. The real Rumple is still missing."

~ a few hours later~
Belle doesn't know who this mystery person is or where Rumple was but time was running out.
She paces the TARDIS, deep in thought.
Belle jumps her hand flying to her stomach. It was only Rose. "Rose you startled me." Belle says. Rose apologizes. "We're trying to get that man to talk, but he won't say anything." Belle nods. "Thank you for trying."
Belle goes to the man and takes out a knife. She doesn't want to hold it to her husbands face, but this wasn't her husband. So she did. "If you don't tell me where Rumple is, I'll use this knife on you. Slowly, cutting away until there's nothing left. So tell me. Where is Rumple?"
For a brief second there's fear in the mans eyes but then it changes. "You would never hurt your poor Rumple." He says. Belle laughs. "No I wouldn't. But I can hurt you."
She takes the knife and drags it across the mans face.
"Belle stop-" she freezes.
"Belle what the bloody hell are you doing?"
She turns around and sees Rumple behind her. "Rumple?" She whispers. Rumple nods. "Yes sweetheart." She walks to him and slaps him. "Where the hell have you been?"
Rumple looks at Belle. Then at the Doctor.
"You didn't tell her." Rumple says.
Belle then turns her gaze to the Doctor as well.
The Doctor rubs the back of his head. "Uh about that...."
Belle closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Was none of this real?" She asks. The man who pretended to be Rumple disappears. Belle feels her breath start to catch.
"Belle-" Rose says, but Belle doesn't hear it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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