Ch.7 Secrets

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Somewhere else in the forest earlier. William was looking for Emma.

"Emma.........Emma..........Emma.....Em-". He tripped and stumbled onto the hard dry grass. He sighed. He heard cracking of tree branches. Like a person running. So he hid behind. A tree until the running had faded. He got out from behind the tree when a hyena stood in front of him. He has no other choice......but to run. He ran as fast as he could the hyena right behind him. The hyena was trying to snap at his shirt when he ripped a piece of William skin off. William clenched his fist in pain. He ran up a nearby tree. The hyena was to stubby to jump up and reach the limb. The hyena tried to come up for a few hours but finally went away. Williams' leg dripped in blood. He tried tp suck it all up but it kept dripping all of a sudden he heard footsteps. He looked good but his vision was blurred so he couldn't see extremely well. It was a person. He couldn't tell completely who it was. But he still tried to not be loud all of a sudden ,he fainted and he sat in the tree for a little bit but then his body fell out of the tree....right in front of the mysterious person. With Liam and Noah....

"Are we sure that this is safe to travel without them?". Asked Liam. Noah sighed

"It's what's best..." he said.

But what if they are actually fine? What if they are in danger right now? What if they are going to die a starvation? What if-"

"LIAM!" exclaimed Noah. Liam went silent. They can handle themselves. They have known each other for years and they should be fine..." said Noah. Liam, worrying still silent, lied on his side watching the fire. "Plus on the plus side~" Noah whispered something in Liam's ear. Liam started to burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha. That's true!" said Liam

"We have to look on the positive side of things. If we don't focus on the positive things and only the negative then we will never be happy." said Noah. Liam sighed.

"I guess you're right.' said Liam "Well Good night Noah! Said Liam

"Night!". said Noah. ..........."Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

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