Chapter 6

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Harry POV

There was a lot of ruckus, coming from the Slytherin dormitories. I hope that Karis and Eve are ok. It's a bit late so I decide to go to bed.

The sun came out. I woke up Ron and we waited for Hermonie, once we we're all there we went downstairs for breakfast. We sat down at our usual table and waited for the alien trio and Eve. Once they arrived all of us noticed that Eve was walking on her own now. My face lit up with a smile. Everyone sat down. "Good morning guys" Karis said in her morning voice. "Good morning" Emil and Leon said at the same time. "Morning." Eve said as she looked at us. Hermonie smiled, "Eve! Your eyes! Can you see again?" She asked. Eve nodded. "Yep." Was all she said before looking down again. "So Karis, we heard some ruckus at the Slytherin dorms, what happened?" Ron asked Karis. "Oh, nothing important, me and uh Arthur just fought again" Karis said as she looked away. "Those two are always fighting" Emil ate some black licorice. "EMIL!" Karis shouted. "Emil... how many times do we need to tell you that licorice is not breakfast?" Leon sighed. "Guys let's just calm down and go get our food" I suggested. "Good idea Harry," Ron said as his stomach grumbled a bit. Mostly everyone laughed. When I mean mostly I mean everyone except Eve. I wonder why she doesn't get happy, surprised, she doesn't smile or laugh. We all went to sit at our little table with not much room for other people to join us, preferably that's better, it leaves out draco and fake friends following him around. This morning went slow, breakfast was fun thanks to comedic ron and leon, but that's got me thinking why doesn't Eve ever smile or laugh? And what's the reason? The bell rang signaling us to go to our first hour classes we all scurried towards it, but i couldn't shake off a certain feeling with Eve all we can do now is see what happens

(sorry it has been a long time and short, i recently had two baby bois and I felt stress seeing as its my first time being a mother and my co Author has been really busy and working with her schooling, i wish the best for you all and i will be making an pokemon fanfic, Stay safe~!)

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