Chapter 2.5

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Eve's Pov

I woke up this morning, Opening the door I saw my new roommate: Karis. Not bothering to wake her up I walk over to the Dresser and get out the Uniform for the day and head over to the bathroom. Looking over at her opened door I see her tiny dragon Walking out and looks up to me, Flicks her tongue and walks back to her room. As I walk into the living room I see the bathroom door and hurrys to it. When i get to the Bathroom I look down at my left arm Regretting what happened. The door is now closed and I look around the new bathroom. ( the shower is behind you) I get into the shower and think about how this year would go. . . . .there's more people this year . . . . . . all of them. . .Are different.

3rd P.o.v

As Eve gets out of the shower and gets dressed As she walks out of the bathroom, She sees Karis wrapped in a blanket and posing like a T. " what are you doing?" Eve asks with no Emotion at all. " I have the feeling I should be doing this." Karis Answers with a straight face. Eve goes back to her room and goes to wake up Akira. The small little baby Weasel wakes up and hops onto Eve's shoulder curling up again to sleep again. Eve goes to the dresser again to get fresh banges for her arm, wraps it, grabs her scarf, wraps it around her neck and heads to the living room and goes to sit on the couch and gets her book bag from behind the couch and takes out her sketchbook and A pencil. She starts to draw at 5 in the morning so the both of them Woke up early this morning for an-unknown reason. Not really paying attention to what she was drawing, she drew Akira and Magdalene. Karis is now in the shower. Eve looked at the time and realized it was 7:42 am and they needed to be at class by 8 in the morning. Eve felt slightly bad if Karis was late so Eve yelled out loud " Hurry Up!" a simple warning. Eve leave out the of the Dorm and heads to the dinning hall not caring at all on where she was going but once she made it to the the Commons room She hears Draco yelling, In Eve's Opinion he was scum, he always bullied people and his parents also, making them do anything they want.As she looks over to yelling and she sees Draco and the man Karis was talking to during the begging of the year feast And the new perfect yelling at him for bullying the first years and being mean to other students, well more like scolding and Draco yelling at them for even speaking up to him. Eve Ignores the Situation and walks through the group and Pansy Parkison starts screeching at Eve for Walking even by her. " Oh shut the fuck up fuckles." Eve turns around and sees who said that. It was Karis, She was dressed hair dried and had her tiny dragon in her hair but no one could see it. Romano Turned around to face her, Not releasing it was her he was about to cuss her out but stops when he sees it was her. Vash, who also seems to know Karis, also looks at her but doesn't say anything to her. " I don't need to hear any bitching or Moaning this early in the damn morning and someone screeching like a banshee. ." Karis looks around at all of the people who were fighting. " . . . Now all of you shut the fuck up." karis said with the most dead tone voice. She is not a morning person . . . . .Almost everyone in that room thought but keyword: Almost, Pansy Parkison and Draco Malfoy didn't take her warning to be Quite. Draco was the one to speak up first " And what gives you the privilege to tell us to what was it ' Shut the fuck up.'" " oh so here is the little shit that started it." said karis getting more and more pissed by the moment. Eve wanted to leave, she hated people fighting but as much as she wanted to leave she needed her times table for her classes and they were in the way not moving. Draco developed a scowl on his face but Pansy Parkiso cut him off, annoying him even further. " Don;t talk to my Dracy poo like that!" " oh here's the banshee." karis states not wanting to deal with both " Why are all of you still in here?" It was Professor snape this time Eve froze; he had never snapped at Draco. " sorry professor I had to break up shit stain and Banshee here for throwing a fit at the prefect and his Friend." karis straight up told him with-out falter " the Perfect and his Companion were trying to see what was wrong and the both of them started getting all mouthy with the both of and if they did anything it would be way worse then what can I do to them." she told Snape not completely lying " very well, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Parkinson Detention lunch hour with Professor Wang, He will be notified this morning." professor Snape told the two ; the look on their face was priceless. Draco couldn't even speak; he was so shocked, Snape has never given him Detention much less any kind of Punishment at all.

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