Chapter 4

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3rd person's P.O.V

Harry was still ignoring Ginny and now the twins, the twins took Ginny's side because they don't know the whole story just what Ginny told them. Ron was also trying to tell the twins what happened but they won't listen to him seeing as he took the Slytherins side. It was Morning and Harry, Ron and Hermonie started to leave the Dorms earlier now to avoid Ginny and the Twins now. Leon always left early to talk to Emil and his brother until Karis came up with Eve.

Harry had 3 classes today with all of the golden trio Alien trio plus Eve. Harry was excited but wanted to see that big dog again. As Karis walks up into the dinning Hall there's Eve holding on to the end of Karis's sweater. " morning everybody" said Karis as Eve was behind her looking down at the floor. "Good morning both of you," responded Leon and Emil. Both Emil and Leon had noticed that Eve didn't say anything, she just kept looking down. Karis sat down at the table and Eve followed behind her still looking down. " morning." Mumbled Eve " Eve are you alright?" Hermonie questioned seeing as herself and the rest are concerned. " i'm fine." is all Eve told them, but that didn't erase their concern but they dropped it mainly from the look Karis was giving them. They ate in peace only to have a few conversions here and there but, it was Peaceful until Mr. My father heard about this! Came along and ruined it. " Oh, look who it is, Ms. Noisy herself." Eve looks up to him as she could not see him only hear. " Don't talk to her like that!" Harry hissed at Draco with Leon and Emil glaring at him as Ron was about to say something and Hermonie just looked at Eve. Draco didn't say anything at all, he just stared at Eve; one thing he realized she was blind. Hermonie gasped and the rest of the gang looked at her with surprised, shocked and confused faces filled with Worry. Everyone in the dining hall became quiet when Draco spoke to them, Everyone saw Eve was now Blind. Karis Glared at draco with all the hate she could muster " Don't even come near her or me again." karis hissed you can feel the venom in her voice and with her deep voice to start with didn't make it better. Karis pulled Eve into her chest, so no one could see her eyes anymore. . . .it was rather uncomfortable for Eve, but that was the only thing karis could think of. Draco and his gaggle of 'friends' just walked away; they weren't prepared for that. Karis let's go and Eve, murmurs a quick. "Sorry." Harry was confused and scared, who would do that to her, what happened to cause that? Harry was about to speak up but Hermonie beat it to him. " Eve what happened?" Hermonie said with uncertainty in her voice. " Nothing." was all Eve said, not ready to tell them it's already bad enough if one of them Knows about her and doesn't need another person to know. " Eve it's not nothing." Harrys spoke up. Eve looked in his direction or assumed his direction. " it's nothing it will go back to normal." Eve said blankly. Before anyone else said anything more, Emil spoke up. " guys not to interrupt but it's time to go to class." Leon was still silent but look down at his phone, it appears Karis sent him what was going on, later he will tell Emil so he won't question it later out of the both of them. Eve was trying to get out of her seat and walk to class but not realizing that people will be in her way, when she finally got out of her seat, Eve bumped into someone, Karis was already up with her coffee and by Eve's side to guide her to avoid bumping into people. "Excuse me. . . " came a snarky remark, from her voice was a girl. " your excuse." Karis already told her feeling extra salty that morning from a picturallar name. "She bumped into me, she should be saying sorry." " well guess what, you don't need a snarky comment in the first place and she was going to apologise to you but not anymore." Karis grabbed Eve and pulled her to their first class in which conveniently all of them had together, it was Charms with Professor Beilschmidt. Which sounded very familiar but not due to Lubwig but something else. And for Karis she has the same classes with Eve for the rest of the week. The rest of them get up and follow Karis as she was the first to leave the Hall with Eve. they walk in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable, they get to the Class seeing as they are the first ones here, but not the only one in the room. It was Professor Beilschmidt and a smaller girl that was albino like him. The Professor looked up and the girl followed suit. Professor Beilschmidt seems to recognize Karis, how she knows, his face lit up with more joy than he had already. " little rose!" Professor Beilschmidt called out to Karis. Karis's face turned into realization then a not so joyed look When she realized who he was, " good morning Uncle Gil. . . " Karis said with an 'oh no' face. Emil and Leon start snickering. " Daddy who are they?" the Albino girl question while pointing to Karis " ahh this would be your cousin of sorts." Uncle Gil explained. " her Father is one of my closest friends and also brother like." Professor Beilschmidt told the group which was slowly embarrassing Karis, Emil and Leon finally got done snickering at Karis for the nickname 'little rose'. Karis turned around and didn't see Eve, she looked around the room only to find her in a corner of the classroom being anti-social. "Hey! Even what are you doing there!" Shouted Karis. Karis walked up to Eve, picked her up and pulled her into the group. Eve was struggling, "I don't want to meet new people." Said Eve blankly, "To bad you're staying with me," Shot back Karis. "I can walk by myself Karis." Responded Eve. Karis put Eve down and made her hold her hand. " You do not leave my side until bed." Karis told Eve with her Motherly side coming out. The little girl was looking at all of the group that just came in, Feeling intimidated by the large and older students that came in. She grabbed onto the hem of Professor Beilschmidt sleeve and pulled. " What's the matter sweetie?" Professor looked down at the little girl and thought for a moment, then realized something. " Well Little Rose I didn't know you could make friends, who are they?" Professor Beilschmidt asked Karis, still calling her Little Rose. " This is Eve." karis said pointing to the girl right next to her, but is trying to get away. Karis just points to one of them having them go. " I'm Hermonie, Granger." Hermonie points to the Person to her left. " Emil, Stession." Emil said plainly, then pointing to the person in front of him " I'm Ron Weasly." Ron told the Professor, then pointed to his right. " Leon, Wang." then Leon finally pointed to his right. " And i'm Harry, Potter." Harry ended while all of them were looking at the professor, they almost seemed to forget about the little Albino girl next to the Professor '' I'm Gilbert, Beilschmidt and this is Fenya, Beilschmidt." Gilbert told them. " Now sweetie got to class." he told Fenya since her shyness was kicking in and more students were coming in. Fenya left the classroom in a hurry, there was a screech and they saw a white eagle come down onto Gilbert's shoulder with a letter in its mouth, drop it into his hand and took off. " well all of you sit down, and let's get to work." Professor Beilschmidt told them they all sat down next to each other with Karis still holding onto Eve's hand to not lose her. At this time Draco and his friends walk in the classroom right below them ( the 7 are up in the very last row on the right side) the Seven ignore them below no matter what they do to pissthem off and it's slowly getting to Harry and Karis mainly. Harry because he was their main target, Karis because she just hates people like him and his actions. ( Don't bully, kids) slowly karis started to move her ink over Pansy due to her getting on her nerves, Gilbert noticed this and shot her a warning look but does Karis care? No. " Karis, what does do?" Professor Beilschmidt asked not to call her little rose. "It creates a focused beam of light from the end of the wand." Karis said taking her eyes off of her Inkwell. While Karis was answering Professor Beilschmidt both Akira and Magdalene came out carefully not to make a sound to alert the other students,Being so small it makes it harder for the students to see the both. They look at each other and Akira goes next to Harry and hides under his Book. Magdalene went over to Karis's Inkwell checking to see if Karis is still explaining the spell due to the Professor asking her, Magdalene pushes the Inkwell onto Pansy. Pansy screamed when the Cold ink fell onto her and Gilbert looked at Karis and Around her Seeing nothing that could cause it to fall on the girl below her. Pansy blonde hair was now soaked black well, parts of it staining her hair for a while. Karis was fighting not to laugh and so was Hermione, Ron was confused because he was not paying attention, Harry just looked at Pansy with a blank face, leon and Emil are also trying not to lose it cause that's actually funny and they saw Magdalene come out of Karis's hair. The others around Pansy moved away from her not to get ink on them. Gilbert stopped class while the other students are trying not to laugh but failing. " Ms. Parkison get to your dorm and clean up." Professor Beilschmidt told Pansy rushing her out of the classroom to not make a mess. He looked over at Karis and saw her laughing so hard she's Crying, Along with Emil and Leon. Eve doesn't know what exactly happened but something happened and hears Karis wheezing and crying as she grows concerned. " Karis. . . . stay after class." Professor Beilschmidt told her with a fake happy/pissed off face. Class went on without problem with some of the students trying to clean up the Ink as well as they can. Hermonie shared her Ink with Karis seeing as she has to go back to the dorms to get another. Eve freaked out and Harry calmed her down and told her what happened. Ron, Emil and Leon were still laughing at what happened, The group that Pansy sits with don't really care what happened to her, Draco actually finds it funny, since he really didn't like Pansy, but he couldn't laugh out loud at her without getting screeched at by her, she was very annoying to him and well others too. The class went on without problem until the End, seeing as Karis had to stay after class for a few minutes, and Karis didn't want Eve to be late, Karis asked Harry to take her to her next class seeing as he also had it with the two girls, and karis had to stop by her room to get another Inkwell. Harry takes her to Muggle studies, he was curious on what will happen with Karis seeing as the Professor knows her on a personal level and will not hesitate to punish her, but Harry doesn't think she pushed the well off the side on the desk, she looked too distracted to do so.

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