Chapter 7: Lesson Number 1

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Luigi's POV

Mario and I were cleaning up the kitchen when the princess came in with some books in her hands. "Mario, Luigi, have you guys ever thought of sending Y/N to school?" Said the princess as she places the books on the table.

"Well, um..." I looked at Mario and he shook his head for no.

"Well not really, princess. I never like the school system." Mario told the princess and stands next to me.

"But Mario, Y/N needs to learn English and needs to prepare and be ready when she is an adult. You guys can't be there for her forever. You know, when she grows up it would be her choice to either stay here or go back to the real world."

Luigi's Pov

*Sigh* Y/N has only been with us for a couple of weeks. We haven't heard King Koopa cause any trouble or the need to travel to other kingdoms mmm.

" Well alright then, Luigi and I would teach Y/N what she needs to know, right Luigi?" Mario patted my back and I looked at him confused. "But Mario, we aren't teachers."

"Luigi is right Mario. Why don't I teach Y/N a couple of lessons...or we can hire a teacher." The princess suggested to us but Mario refuses the offer.

"No offense princess but I don't think Y/N has warmed up to as of lately. I think it would be better if we teach her a thing or two about plumbing. After all, she does show signs of interest in our work, ay Luigi" Mario elbowed my side but I think Mario might be on the something here.

"Okay, I guess your right. I mean she can spend more time with us." I smiled at them.

"*Sign* Well alright, here are some books about parenting and child learning books that I think that could be useful to you guys, okay?" The princess hands Mario and I the books and walked away.

"Well, let's start making a schedule, shall we." As Mario and I look through some of the books and start a rough sketch of our plans.

Three days later...


The princess has been annoying lately. Just the other day, Toad and I were blowing bubbles outside when the princess came up to me and told me 'Y/N what's this or can you say this for me or you tell me what this means.' It's like what is she does from me?! I'm trying to blow some bubbles with Toad.

My uncles have told me a couple of days ago that they were going to teach me English. So I don't get why the princess keeps following me and asking me questions?

*The Next day*

I was seated on a stool with a table in front of me with papers and pencils. My uncles were singing the alphabet song to me. It was hard for me to sing the song because I would sing the  Italian version.

Next, my uncles showed me some flashcards. My uncle Mario showed me a card "This is a cat, say CAT." "cAt" I repeated and my uncle Luigi handed me a fruit. "Now, this a strawberry.

"Um, stAwbeblY?" I tried to say it but that's a tough one.

" repeat after me, St-raw-ber-ry" uncle Luigi say the word slower and I repeated him. We kept doing this for about an hour.

"Okay, Y/N you can go take a break. We will call you later for your next lesson, okay?" My uncle Mario said as he cleans up the table. I ran out of the room and head outside to find Toad blowing bubbles. He sees me and hands me the bubble stick. I ran with it around the castle's front garden. I was making different shapes bubble-like squares, waves, and regular circles. We have been doing this for a while.

"Y/N! Come back inside for your next lesson." I heard Luigi, so I bet fair well to toad then went back inside.

Mario's POV

I just finished setting up an activity for Y/N's next lesson. Luigi came in with Y/N skipping in while holding Luigi's hand. It was a cute sight. " okay, Y/N we are going to do an activity. Can you guess what are we going to do?" I asked her and she tried to peeked behind my back to see what kind of activity we are doing. "Um, are we going to be playing clay?" She asks but I shook my head and moved aside. " We are going to show you how to unclog a sink."

"Sì, mi piace guardare il lavoro di mio zio. Anch'io voglio essere come voi ragazzi (Yay, I like watching my uncle's work. I too want to be like you guys)" hearing those words come out of her mouth brings me great enjoyment to my heart. Okay, we started with a few tools like a plunger, drain snake, and a wrench. We told her if the plunger doesn't work then we would have to use a drain snake to remove any solid mass that we can fish out. Of course, we had Y/N carefully use our tool because she is so small the tool was very heavy for her to use. So, we had her place her hands on top of ours so she can feel the experience.

*The Last Lesson of the Day*

Luigi's pov

"Okay Y/N, for your safety, we are going to show the most dangerous creatures you need to watch for," Mario told Y/N and showed her a large picture of the Koopa family. I waited for a reaction from Y/N and all she did was tilted her head to the side.

"Now Y/N, these guys are very dangerous and will do anything to get what they want," Mario told her and she straightened her head up. "Non sembrano molto spaventosi. Sembrano persone divertenti. (They don't look very scary. They look like fun people.)" Y/N said with a smile on her face. Oh dear, "No Y/N, they are dangerous. They have the power the to turn you into a dog and you wouldn't like being a dog, do you?" I try to make her understand how serious this is. She shook her head for no.

"*Sigh* We are going to teach you the names of each kid and what are there motivations are, okay?" I told her and she nods. As I try to have her memorize the names of each koopaling. However, she seems to keep mix up Bully Koopa with Koopie pie because they're both pink. She also mixed up Kooky with Cheatsy because they both have blue hair.

I felt Mario's hand on my shoulder. "Y/N, your lessons are over for today, okay? Go ahead and have yourself a good time but remember we start tomorrow's lesson at 10 clock." Mario told her and she gives us a big hug before leaving the room and thanks us on her way out.

"*Sigh* Mario why did you let her go early?" I ask Mario and he looks at me with a calm face. " Luigi, Y/N can't remember everything in one day. Give her time to take information, she'll get it in due time." Mario told me but I can't help but worry for Y/N's safety.

"I know Mario but did you hear what she said earlier. She thinks the Koopa Family could be fun?! What if she meets them and they take advantage of her or WORST! *Grasp*" Mario stopped me by holding both of my shoulders.

"Luigi calm down. She is young, innocent, and just thinking the good in everyone. She won't get near them." I looked at Mario skeptical and said " Oh yeah, and how would you know that?."

"Because I told her a couple of stories of our encounters with that King reptile." I looked at Mario In Shocked. "Mario are you telling Y/N our past adventures to her, you could give her nightmares." I looked at my brother with a disapproving face.

"Relax Luigi, she just wanted a bedtime story and she asked about our adventures in this world. So, I told the times I was forced into marriage, twice." Mario said with his hands on his hips. I couldn't help but giggle at those memories.

"Well, I guess though stories are okay.*sigh*" I looked away for a moment to look at the time. " Well, looks like we still have time to find some power-ups, don't you think Mario?" I turn to see my brother nod his head.

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