Chapter 15: The Misadventures Of The Magic Tv

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*Growl* Wwwrrraaaahhh

Oh, Mighty Plumber, Help in my time of need. AAAHHH !

Will the Evil clog consume our dear house wife? Will Mighty Plumber make it in time ?
So many questions so little time, Stay tune in, next time in, Might Plumber !

Now a word with our sponsor.

No one's pov

"Oh Mario, you think, Mighty Plumber will save that woman?" Luigi asked Mario while showing concern for a fictional character.

"Well of course Luigi, It's Mighty Plumber! He can unclog anything. " Said Mario as he asure Luigi, the man can unclog anything.
"Geez Luigi, If I would have know you'll get this excited, perhaps I wouldn't have brought a Tv from the real world."
"zio Mario, zio luigi (uncle Mario, uncle Luigi) " called out Y/n.

" Is it my turn to use tv, yet?" Y/n asked Mario.
" Almost, we are waiting for the commercials to end and finish the last episode for the day, okay. And remember to keep this a secret." Mario told Y/n. And Y/n nod and wink before leaving.
"Mario, what doesn't Y/n even watch on the Tv?" Luigi asked Mario.

" uh um, I'm not quite sure. All I know that it's child friendly." Mario answered Luigi.

Meanwhile in King Koopa's castle

King Koopa is having one of his royal tantrums. Two of his children had came in to see their father but came to witness their father doing aggressive movements. They believe their father is doing some sort of cool exercise.
"Looks king dad is doing some cool exercise. We should join." However, King Koopa's tantrum and racks had cause a small earthquake. Causing any near by objects to fall upon his children. Upon this action he took a moment to speak to his children.
" I'm not doing exercises. I got the map to unlock a billions of golden coins! But every time, I plan some evil scheme the Mario bros always stop me."
"King dad! King Dad! Come see-
"What cheatsy-
"Is doing."
Said the twins, Hip and Hop. They ran towards their brother cheatsy in the other room.
"Why buy toys when you can pull them straight from the source." Cheatsy said and pointed his wand at the Tv. And what came out of the television was a racing car that raced out towards the hallway. Hip and Hop got all excited. The car pulled up right in front of them. Hip and Hop got into the car and drove off somewhere in the castle.

King Koopa manage to move out of the way before his own children ran him over. He walked over to Cheatsy and was about to speak when the Television program started playing.

"Mighty plumber! To The rescue, Faster Then A Speeding Plunger, More Powerful Then Pipe Wrench... Able To Snag Disgusting Drain Clog With A Flick Of The Wrist."

"Mmh, Ah! That's perfect. I can use Mighty Plumber to get though the pipe maze that the golden coins are and have him defeat the Mario Brothers. BawHahah."said King Koopa as he snatches his sons wand and points it at the Tv. Mighty Plumber start to merge out to the Tv and into King Koopa's castle.
"Ah, Where Am I? What is this place? And where is the Clog? Oh and who might you be?" Mighty Plumber ask the green lizard before him.
"Mighty Plumber I need your help to stop two plumbers from steal secret golden coins." King Koopa explain to Mighty Plumber but Mighty Plumber wasn't about to leave that lady behind.
"But I unclog that monster and save that Lady!" Mighty Plumber told Koopa.
"Ah ack, She can wait, now hurry before those evil plumbers get to before we do."

Meanwhile Back with The Mario Bro's place

*S t a t i c*

"Aww, the tv is broken." Said Mario as hit the top of the Tv with his fist.
"Oh No, now we are going to miss the Mighty Plumber episode." Said Luigi as got up to stand by the window. When all of sudden a fire shot though the window and burning a message onto their wall. The brothers got close to see the message. It said,

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