👑Royalty AU👑

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So I decided to make the Weasley's royal in this and Oliver be the poor village boy who is extremely flirty with Percy.

Prompt: Oliver Wood is a poor village boy while Percy Weasley is a prince. Oliver would always be extremely flirty with Percy, even in front of the rest of the royal Weasley's. And finally Oliver asked him out one night.

Genre: Fluff

The night sky was glistening with those sparkling shapes. The castle gave a great view of the village below. It was wonderful. The village still had a few light's on and some people were still walking about.

Percy stood on his balcony, a lantern at his side, lighting up the balcony. He leaned his head down on the railing of the balcony, boredom was all that he felt at this moment.

Just then he felt his crown slip off, it had fallen off his head. 'No!' He yelled, trying to grab it but it was too dark for him to see. How could he have been so stupid? He groaned and just starred at the bushes that were about eight or nine feet below.

'Looking for this?' A voice said. The prince turned, seeing a familiar figure sitting on the railing holding something shiny. His crown! He starred at the boy.

'Just give it here, Wood.' He said, folding his arm's and rolling his eye's.

'Where are your manners? Thought you were a prince, don't they have like good manners or something?' The brunette asked, raising a brow, yet still had his smug smirk on his face.

'Just give it before I push you off.' He was getting annoyed at this point, just wanting his crown back.

'Woah, no need to get so aggressive. Here you go, sweetheart.' He winked making Percy roll his eye's.

He snatched the crown, placing it back on his head and sternly glaring at the other boy.

'Never call me that again.' He said, taking a step forward.

'What would you prefer me to call you, your majesty?' The village boy chuckled, stepping onto the balcony.

'You're ridiculous, Oliver.' Percy said, his fists clenched.

Oliver took a step forward, putting a hand on the prince's shoulder.

'Calm down, I'm just joking.' Oliver said softly, small chuckles escaping his lips. 'You're so cute when you're annoyed.'

'Oh, please. Will you just shut up.' He said it more as a demand rather than a question.

'Make me.'

'What was that?'

'I said, make me.'

Percy shook his head, pushing him away and trying to step inside before stopping.

'Just give up alright. I'm not going to say yes. You just care about the money, don't you? I'm not falling for this crap again.' He said, glaring at Oliver who just starred at him sadly. He ran after the prince, grabbing him and turning him to bring them face to face.

'Please, trust me. I don't. I just care about you. No amount of money could ever make me do anything to hurt you in anyway. I love you, more than anything.' Oliver said, smiling and planting a kiss on his cheek. 'Please, just give me a chance.'

Percy was actually touched by what he said. He thought it through for a moment, before responding.

'Fine. I'll give you a chance.'

To say Oliver was over-excited would be an understatement. He smiled brightly, pecking Percy on the lips.

'Sorry.' He said, realising what he had just done.

Percy smiled, pulling him into a kiss that lasted for a few moment's. It was a perfect night.

Word Count: 592

Hope you liked this. I enjoyed writing and I'll be working on a lot more oneshots. If anyone could give me any idea's, it would be greatly appreciated.

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