Pills: Chapter 10

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*Connor's P.O.V*

I waved my hands in front of me in a frustrated manner. Why was this guy telling me this? I didn't know his superiors, and to be completely honest, I didn't care. Well okay, maybe I did a little. After all, I have no idea why whoever "they" were blew up Hi5 Studios.

"And why should I care what your superiors have done? I have no part in any of this! None of my friends do!"

I tried to get up from my seat and storm out of there, but a sharp squeal from an intercom came up. I groaned, my large hands covering my ears. It reminded me of when the fire alarm would come on in the middle of class. It seems like the screech from this intercom was somehow even louder. Don't ask me how, I don't know either.

"Connor Melville, you and your friends will be free to go, but first we're going to have a little tour. You can let him go, Agent Carver."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and Agent Carver rolled his eyes, then motioned to the door. I heard a click, which I thought that to mean it was unlocked. I tried to pull it and it swung open, creaking like a door in a horror movie.

My heart was beating super fast, but I went through the door, my eyes following my friend Marvin, whose eyes were wide with fear. I saw that on the right side of his cheek, just below his eye, he had a big purple bruise. My eyes got wide as I mouthed, "Are you okay?" 

His eyes darted to the ground sadly, then back to me. He shook his head, tears in his eyes. "No," He mouthed back.

Rage started boiling in my chest. Why did someone punch him? Was the government even allowed to do that to someone? If so, that's totally unfair. If its a random citizen punching another random person, it's assault, but if some FBI agent punches an innocent person, it's fine?

Apparently my face was turning bright red because I felt a tap on my shoulder. As mad as I was, I turned around quickly, my hands curled up in a fist, but then realized it was Agent Carver. He put his hands up in defense. 

"Connor," he said, in a tone that reminded me of my mother reprimanding me. "It's okay. Everything's fine. If you don't stop being mad, my superiors will notice." 

I shoved his hand away, then glared at him. "So?! I don't care!"

He got real close up to me, "You will care once they show you around." His voice then got so quiet that I had to lean in even closer, which was hard, because he was already super close to my ear. "My supervisors are dangerous people, Connor. What they did to Marvin, it's nothing compared to what I had to go through."

As I looked at Marvin, who was being walked out of the room by another official looking government employee, what Agent Carver said struck my heart. 

"What are they going to show us?" I asked, breathless.

Agent Carver just shook his head, his dark brown hair flying all over the place.

"I have no idea, but I do know one thing. If you or your friends go with them, you're as good as dead."

I scoffed, starting to walk away from him. "And why should I listen to anything you tell me? Just a few minutes ago, you were talking about how you thought me and my friends blew stuff up!"

Agent Carver sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I know, Connor. You have good reason to not trust anyone right now, but what I'm telling you is the truth." He paused, looking around. His eyes darted around the room, but his eyes lay on me again. "While the government might not be the ones who took your friends, they're not the good guys either."

My eyes narrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about? Why can't the government be trusted?" I demanded loudly. Agent Carver put a finger to his lips, his eyes glaring at me. I put a hand over my face and rolled my eyes. 

"I just want to see what they want to show us, okay? You can come with us if you feel so inclined."

In his eyes I could see the mark of indecision, but he sighed and then he nodded slightly. "Okay, I'll come with you."

I nodded, walking with Paul, Marvin, Sam and the others while they were being led by a very tall man with platinum blonde hair into an elevator, which seemed like it was tiny.

"Can we all fit in here? It's tiny!" Paul said, chuckling to himself. I chuckled with him, and nervous laughter filled the room.

The tall man didn't even crack a smile. He seemed emotionless, or at least, that's what he seemed like. "Get in," he proceeded to say, his voice a deep rumble, with a slight Russian accent. 

I looked at all my friends, and they all seemed confused. All of us? In that tiny elevator? There's no way that was going to work, but we all crammed our bodies in the elevator, just barely getting us all in.

I had kind of hoped that Agent Carver wouldn't have been able to fit, but he did. As the tall man was by the buttons, he pushed a button that said floor level -2. I didn't know how that worked, but okay.

The elevator rushed down so quickly I had to grab on to Paul to hold myself upward. The elevator doors opened and I was the first one to rush out. 

But it wasn't what I expected it to look like. There were people working in what seemed like a giant factory, producing tiny little pills filled with brown stuff inside. My eyes narrowed, and I walked over to Agent Carver. "Do you know what these pills are?" 

He shook his head, his eyes filled with wonder. 

"These," the tall Russian man said, "These are what everyone's been blowing stuff up for."

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