~The Group Chat~

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Alex has added Zach, Jade, Light, and 5 others to the chat

Alex: Hey guys! 🌸

Zach: Hey yo, Group chat check

Jade: Hi Alex! And SHUT UP ZACH


Sora: Both of you shut up

Charli: . . .

Charli: I'm waiting for the "And kiss me" part

Sora: I don't want to kiss them if they're just going to continue to yell

Drake: Why'd you make this chat anyways, Alex?

Alex: I don't know. I was bored

Jax: We just finished recording 7 minutes ago though

Alex: So? >;(

Charli: Is Light in this chat?

Alex: Yeah, I added everyone I'm pretty sure

Charli: Why isn't he talking then :(

Zach: He doesn't want to talk to a simp

Charli: I'm not a simp!

Jade: Yeah ZACH she's a squirrel

Zach: She's a Squirrel simp


Charli: I'm not a simp or a Squirrel!

Luca: You guys are going to make my phone blow. . .

Zach: Ha

Zach: Ha

Zach:  Ha

Zach: Ha

Zach: Ha

Zach: Ha

Jade: Hhhaaa

Zach: Ha

Jade: Hahahahahaa

Levi: Shut up

Jade: Sorry, I don't listen to bald people

Alex: Oooooohhh

Charli: She got you Levi

Levi: . . .

Luca: How dare you Jade :(

Levi has gone offline

Jade: What is he doing, Luca?-

Luca: Let me check

Luca has gone offline

Alex: You're in troubleeee

Zach: Levi's gonna come over to your house and shave your head

Luca has gone online

Luca: He said he's going to have a "little nice chat" with Jade

Jade: Oop-

Zach: You better hide Jade 👀

Jade has gone offline

Charli: Do you think Levi is going to make Himself a wig with Jade's hair? :D

Light: Or maybe he's going to flush it down the toilet

Charli: LIGHT

Light has gone offline

Charli: nO LIGHT cOmE bAcK D:

Sora: It's okay Charli. I am here

Charli: . . .

Charli: I'll pass -

Charli has gone offline

Sora: I'm not that bad-

Jax: No, because you're horrible

Sora: If there's anyone horrible here it's you

Jax: No, you're the horrible one here. No one even likes you

Sora: People like me!

Jax: Really? Name five people

Sora:  u h

Sora: Me. . . Sora. . Myself, and I

Jax: That's four people, idiot

Sora: I said Uh, That's a person

Jax: Uh is not a name

Alex: That's rude. What if someone's name was Uh and you just said it wasn't a name


Sora: Shut up

Sora: And kiss me

Jax has gone offline

Sora: HEy!

Sora has gone offline

Alex: . . .

Alex: Is anyone else online?

Luca: Yeah

Drake: Yeah, but I'm just confused

Zach: I was enjoying the hecc that was breaking loose

Alex: Does anyone know if Levi has gotten to Jade yet?

Drake: I'll check

Drake has gone offline

Zach: Imagine Jade being bald 😂

Luca: She would be a girl Levi

Alex: Except more beautiful 😍

Zach: nO

Luca: Jalex

Zach: NO

Luca: Oh god-

Luca has gone offline


Zach has gone offline

Alex: You guys are idiots 😤

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