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Charli: GUYS



Charli: @Zach @Jade @Alex @Levi @Luca @Drake @Sora @Jax

Zach: Where's the fire????

Jade: awwuuuaq82738

Zach: What's happening with you Jade 🤣

Luca: Why did you @ us

Alex: Charli???????????

Sora: I think she fell into the toilet

Luca: Someone go help her

Charli: I didn't fall into the toilet idiot!

Sora: Okay-

Charli: I did that yesterday

Zach: Wait WHAT???

Jax: How did you fall into the toilet?

Luca: Are you okay ?

Charli: I didn't @ you to talk about me falling into the toilet

Alex: Okay. . . Then why did you?

Charli: Because.................

Drake: Because?

Charli is typing . . .


Zach: Is Jade okay??

Drake: She's just pressing keys out of anger

Jax: Charli, what is it?

Sora: maybe her phone fell down the toilet

Alex: What is up with you and toilets Sora????

Luca: Toilets are delicious, don't you know ?

Sora: I agree with Luca

Jax: That's why no one wants to kiss any of you two

Luca: Why D:

Jax: Because you probably taste like toilet!

Sora: I taste like rainbows for your information


Alex: What?

Jade: I HAD TO STOP EATING RATS FOR THIS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Luca: Congratulations Charli!

Drake: Did he actually?

Sora: Can I be the flower girl

Jax: you're not a girl Sora

Sora: Can I be the flower BOY

Charli: Yes you can Sora!

Levi: When did he propose to you..?

Charli: Right now! 🧡💜

Zach: You mean like 10 minutes ago because you took way too long to answer?

Charli: Yes :D

Luca: I call walking Charli down the isle!

Zach: How did he propose??????

Charli: Well, we were on a date and we were walking back to the house and then he told me to stop and he went on one knee!!!

Alex: This is..... believable...????

Drake: @Light

Luca: Why can't you guys be happy for Charli :(

Light: W h a t ?

Levi: Did you propose to Charli?

Alex: Yeah Light, did youuuu

Light: Um, no-

Light: Where did you hear that?

Jade: Charli said you proposed

Light: WHAT

Zach: Charli is not only a simp and a squirrel, She's a liar

Charli: I'm not lying!

Light: When did I propose to you!?

Charli: You told me to stop when we were walking back to the house and you bent down on one knee :D

Light: Charli

Charli: Yeah? :D

Light: I was tying my shoe

Charli: :D . . .

Light: I didn't have a ring-



Charli has gone offline

Luca: Charli noooo!

Sora: @Charli

Charli has gone online

Charli: WHAT

Sora: Light just proposed to me :)

Jax: What??????

Alex: :0

Zach: You liar 😂

Light: I did

Jade: Whatattttatta XD

Charli: . . .

Luca: Charli, it's okay :(

Charli has gone offline

Sora: I said yes if you guys were wondering

Jax: Why would you propose to someone like him????

Light: Because tehe

Sora: You're not invited Jax

Jax: I didn't want to come anyways


Jax: Oh my god-

Jax has gone offline

Zach: Wait What's happening?

Alex: Maybe Sora murdered him 😂

Sora: No, I'm in my room planning the wedding

Jade: Someone broke in :0

Drake: No one can break into the house-

Levi: What is happening . . .

Luca: Someone died

Drake: i-

Levi: Oh, okay

Alex: @Charli are you okay????

Sora: @Jax are you finally dead-

Charli has gone online

Jax has gone online

Jax is typing . . .

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