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Alex: Guyysssss

Sora: It's 2 in the morning-

Alex: Then why are you up?

Charli: Because it's movie night!

Jade: How come I wasn't invited >:(

Charli: You said you needed your beauty sleep. . .

Drake: Why are you guys texting at 2 am ?

Alex: @Zach @Levi @Luca @Light @Jax @Drake

Jade: w a k e u p

Alex: Jade no 😂

Charli: Jade, yes

Sora: Do you ever wonder?

Luca: Wonder what?

Sora: Exactly

Levi: My phone Is buzzing every second

Jax: You can just put it on silent

Alex: Nooo, then he won't get our texts :(

Light: That's a good thing

Charli: Hi Light

Light: Why are you saying hi? I'm in your room right now-

Jade: Are Light and Charli having a date 👀

Light: No!

Charli: Yessss

Sora: I'm third wheeling

Sora: Send help

Luca: Just leave then

Sora: I wanna watch the movie though :(

Drake: There's a bigger screen downstairs in the living room

Sora: But then I'd be lonley

Levi: Be a third wheel, go downstairs, or go to sleep.

Jax: Come to my room. It has a bigger screen than Charli and you won't be lonley

Sora has gone offline

Charli: On his way

Alex: @Zach why don't you be romantic like that with me 👉👈

Jade: You can come into my room Alex

Alex: Jade.... your room smells like rats 😅

Jade: No it doesn't !

Luca: I can smell it from across the house . . .

Drake: Sorry Jade

Jade has gone offline

Alex: Oh, she mad 😂

Charli: She's screaming-

Drake: Hang on

Drake has gone offline

Alex: @Zach

Alex: Answer me please :<

Jax has gone offline

Charli: @Zach

Alex: @Zach

Light: @Zach

Drake has gone online

Drake: What are you doing?

Alex: @Jax @Sora stop making out and get online

Alex: @Zach

Alex: @Jade

Charli: Why do you need everyone online?

Alex: I wanna make nicknames for everyone. I was gonna before Sora started complaining and Jade started yelling

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