~I named five people~

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Sora: @Jax

Jade: What are you doing ?

Charli: I'm pretty sure Jax is busy-

Sora: I know

Sora: @Jax

Zach: If you know why are you still @ him

Sora: Because I finally did it

Sora: @Jax

Alex: He's gonna end up blocking you 😂

Sora: I'll unblock myself

Sora: @Jax

Luca: how are you going to do that?

Drake: He can just take Jax's phone

Luca: Ahh, very true

Sora: @Jax

Jade: Is he even online ?

Charli: Check for the Blue Boy

Sora has gone offline

Levi: He's checking himself

Alex: Hey, what happened to our nicknames :(

Zach: I didn't change them

Jade: That's sus Zach 👀

Zach: Oh my god, shut up Jade 😂

Charli: . . .

Drake: You okay, Charli?

Charli: I'm okay, just concerned :D

Luca: Concerned ?

Charli: Does no one else hear the screaming ? ? ?

Zach: No, maybe it's because I'M NOT AT THE HOUSE

Alex: Yeah, me and Zach are on our date losers 😊

Drake: Why are you on your phones then?

Jade: Because Sora was spamming

Levi: He was just @ Jax though...

Jade: Because Sora was being annoying*

Jax has gone online

Jax has gone offline

Jax has gone online

Zach: What the heck-

Charli: Does nobody hear Jax yelling!?

Jax has gone offline

Jade: That's probably Sora 😂

Drake: I don't hear any yelling

Jade: Yeah, Weirdo Squirrel

Charli: @Light do you hear yelling ?

Light: No ?

Luca: Where are you, Charli?????

Charli: At the house!!!!

Jax has gone online

Jax has gone offline

Levi: I don't hear anything and I'm at the house

Luca: Me too

Jax has gone online

Drake: Why is he screaming?

Charli: Because Sora is trying to grab his phone and get him online

Sora has gone online

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