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While I was sitting on the couch with Rome, watching some weird kid's show I heard a knock on the door.

I immediately got up knowing it was Mason. I opened the door and saw his tall figure, he seems like he just got back from a workout or something.

"Hey Masey-boy." I smile at him stepping to the side to let him in.

"You're not gonna stop with that nickname huh?" He says while walking in.

"Not until I come up with something different. Or at least not until you give me a reason not to call you that." I reply closing the door behind him.

"What if I told you it put a dent in my ego?" He said staring down at me, playfully.

"Then I would gladly continue using the name, I don't need you getting to full of yourself on me." I shoot back to him, walking over to the kitchen.

"Ellie I really wanna start with the cookies! Are you getting the stu-" Rome starts while running into the kitchen, until he sees Mason, his yellow mop of curls wild from motion. "Who's this Ellie?" He questions, tilting his head, making his curl hang to one side.

"Yeah who am I Ellie?" Mason grins down at me.

"Rome this is Mason." I say down to Rome who is currently staring at Mason like he's this big paradox of a person.

"Hi! I'm Rome, Ellie's little brother! Nice to meet you Mase." Rome beams up at Mason who seems taken aback by the ball of sunshine that is my brother.

"Nice to meet you too little dude." Mason smiles down at Rome giving him a fist bump.

Odd. Dark boy is good with kids.

"I think I just got a better name for you, Mase." I say nudging Mason in the arm.

"So Rome your big sister told me we're gonna be baking some killer dinosaur cookies." Mason says to Rome, who's currently in the pantry trying to reach the flower.

"Yeah. I absolutely LOVE dinosaurs!" Rome yells from the pantry. "Ellie said that your gonna help us with them." He comes out of the pantry empty handed, smiling. "Ellie can you please get the stuff, I'm not tall enough." Rome pouts, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"Sure Romey." I say ruffling his hair while walking by him.

"So Rome, does your sister talk about me much?" I hear Mason ask Rome from the kitchen.

"Not really, the only time I heard about you was when she said she was having someone one help with the cookies." Rome says back to him.

Why is Mason so interested in how much I talk about him? We haven't really know each other long. I think to myself, grabbing the flour from the top shelf in the pantry.

"Got the flour!" I say, walking back into the kitchen, placing the flour on the white marble counter. "Hey um, Mason can you get the eggs from the refrigerator? I think they're on the second shelf." I ask while getting the vanilla and baking powder.

"Uh yeah." He replies, turning to the fridge.

After we have all the ingredients, I get a bowl and make the dough. The whole time it was basically me and Mason getting our hands dirty while Rome just sat there and watched us do the work.

We'd ask Rome if he wanted to do something and he'd simply reply "You guys seem like you're doing just fine" for a ball of pure sunshine, that kids got some sass.

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