January 8, 1995

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        He spoke up and he called me mother! Granted, I was startled at first but, It made sense, perfect sense. It is resonable I would be a mother figure to him. I do everything for him. We were reading a story book about a small bird, who had fallen from its nest, Dr. Sesus, I believe it was. Anyway, The bird looked about for its mother repeating asking several other creatures and obejects if they were his mother. I was teaching him to read the story, but he would read it on his own, even though we both new he knew the words. At the end of me reading it to him, for the dozenth time, he looked at me, from his head on my shoulder. "Are you my mother?"

__ Okay, so orginally, i wanted to make him say alot more but, I like this way better, leave me your feed back__

-XOXO stay pretty kitties 

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