hugs - jilix

196 5 0

» pairing : jisung x felix
» genre : fluff


jisung could feel his his eyelids becoming heavy. he wanted to sleep but there was too much noise around him making him too uncomfortable.

felix must've noticed this as he approached the other.

"you okay jisung?"

jisung shook his. "just sleepy..." he answered honestly.

felix smiled at the other's failed attempt at even trying to hide his sleepiness. he grabbed jisung's hand and pulled him onto the floor.

"take a small nap, okay?" felix said, wrapping an arm loosely around jisung's waist.
jisung was too tired to protest (not that he would if he wasn't sleepy) so he wrapped his arms tightly around felix, thankful to the younger.

the familiar warmth and smell from felix was enough to lull jisung to sleep.
felix hummed in satisfaction once he heard the soft snores from jisung.

"maybe I should take a nap too..."


"i feel like my heart is gonna explode..." minho accidentally said aloud, looking at his two sleeping teammates.

"i didn't even know you had one hyung."

even the sound of muffled screams coming from hyunjin wasn't enough to wake up the sleeping sunshine twins.

the leader smiled fondly at the two sleeping on the floor (ignoring the rest of the chaos) he placed his jacket underneath their heads, as a substitute for a pillow.

he made sure to snap a quick picture before going back to his seat and working on god knows what.


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