cinnamon - minsung

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» pairing : minho x jisung
» genre: fluff


all minho wanted was to be back at the dorm and in his comfy bed. he checked the time on his phone. 1:32 am

after spending all day in the practice room with felix and hyunjin working on choreography, he was completely beat.

he opened the door to his room, surprised when he saw someone already laying in his bed. upon further inspection he was able to distinguish who the male was.


as he approached, his heart melted as the sight. jisung's cheek was pushed up against the pillow and he was of minho's hoodies?

"hyung?" a small voice spoke. jisung sat up slowly, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. "welcome back." he said, sending minho a tired yet bright smile.

minho was left speechless. "how can someone be so cute??" he gushed to himself.

"sungie..." he spoke "were you waiting for me?"

"you were gone all day! of course i waited. i missed you..." jisung mumbled, shyly burying his face into the hoodie he was wearing.
the hoodie appeared big on the younger's figure only making minho's heart melt even more.

a fond smile crept onto the older's face. "did you miss me so much you stole one of my hoodies?" he teased, taking a seat next to jisung.

the younger nodded shyly, playing with minho's hand that rested on his leg. "it still smelled like you so i took it...sorry."

"aww sungie...there's no need to apologize..god you're so cute." minho chuckled, squeezing jisung's cheeks.

"ah hyung! that hurts." jisung whined. his words slightly muffled by the way minho was squishing his cheeks.

the two laughed quietly, despite it being late the two were always so happy to be with each other.

"let's go to sleep, yeah?"

jisung hummed, his head falling onto minho's chest. he was too tired to keep his eyes open any longer.

minho laughed softly at the younger's sleepiness. he slowly laid the other down, careful not to wake him.

the comforting scent of cinnamon soon engulfed jisung. he let out a content sigh, leaning closer into the warmth of minho's arms.

if anyone ever asked why he was so obsessed with the scent of cinnamon, he'd blame it on minho.


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