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"Kiara." Pause. "Kiara, Kiara... Kia."

A hand hits me upside the head. My brain jiggles on impact.

"What the fuck Cassian." I give him a sideways glare over the back of the couch.

"Why didn't you answer me?" He pouts a little. His dark hair falling out of place as he leans on the back of the couch. Trying to glance over my head. The common room is lit dimly, the sun streams through the skylight. A couple of years ago some kids got tired of how dark it always looked so they used their magic to create some beautiful skylight. Now the dark colors compliment the sun when it's up.

"I was ignoring you for a reason," I say turning the page of my book. "Didn't get the hint, I see."

"Come on why are you reading? We still have two days before school starts," The Slytherin common room bustles with students, dragging their trunks behind them. Cassian makes his way to the couch across from me. Cassian, while he is a Slytherin he was friends with the Golden Trio for a while before Harry realized that his father was a death eater. The only problem Cassian hasn't talked to his father in years. So I kind of adopted him into my friend group. We have been friends since year one but we always were in different circles until a year and a half ago. Now he gets to listen to Draco complain. "I know you enjoy muggle studies but chill out."

"Cass, you know my mom is a muggle." I hold up Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. "My mom gave me this book to read before I left. If that means I don't have to listen to Draco talk about where he went this summer or who he railed. I'll take it."

I roll my eyes as Cass shrugs. A new rush of students makes their way through the doors. Their terrified eyes give away them being first year. Happy shouts take over as friends reunite for the first time in months. I sigh, standing up.

"Looks like I have to do damage control." A sound of cruel laughter comes from our group. Cassian jumps up behind me, we weave through students. First years dropping their trunks, starstruck at everything. Draco, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, and Miles stand a couple of feet away from the stairs. Crabbe and Goyle disappeared around the same time that Cassian came around. A lot of us think that their parents withdrew them from school so they could become death eaters and not worry about people sniffing around.

Blaise and Miles stood off to the side arms crossed as they wait for me. Draco stands in the way of a first year.

"I'm just trying to toughen you up." I push past Pansy and Theo. I slap my book against his arm hard enough to get a reaction. He flinches with surprise.

"Draco stop being a dick," I crouch down to help pick up his things. "I'm sorry. Don't let him bother you." I whisper to the scared 11-year-old boy as I usher him away.

He smirks at me as I turn back to him. His grey eyes frosty with bitterness.

"Wood, language. There are children around." He tries to joke but he just sounds frustatred. I roll my eyes.

"We discussed this. I am not related to Oliver. Just call me by my name." Draco gets ready to spit out an insult.

"Kiara. Look who got hot this summer," I divert my eyes from Draco to Theo. His messy brown hair flopping everywhere. His arms ripped with muscle and a tan. He obviously tried to improve this summer. "Wanna take it upstairs."

It wasn't a question. More of a statement that it was gonna happen. I have to stop myself from laughing. I get close to him, heat radiating off of him. I poke his arm as he watches me curiously

"How bout we make a deal?" I whisper loud enough for our group to hear. "You beat me in a game of quidditch then we will talk."

Blaise, Miles, and Cassian snicker. He scowls at me, but what does he expect? We all know that Theo can't stay on a broom for the life of him. It makes me wonder how he pulls girl.

"Tempting offer." Removing the scowl from his face, he smirks. I chuckle.

"Don't hurt your pride." I smile as I open my book up to a random page.

"Come on, you know you want to." Theo mutters quietly. Like his voice will entice me. I slam my book closed in one hand. Theo flinches from the sound. I can't help but smirk at him.

"If you don't want me to cut off your balls, turn them into flour, bake it into cupcakes and bring them to your parents than keep that nonsense away from me." The smile drops off his face, twists up into a horrified expression. By now they should be used to my crazy comebacks. I turn on my heel. Cass nods me to let me know he's ready to go. I turn my head to look at Draco.

"Mess with another first year and we will be talking." Pansy scoffs, while Draco looks bored.

"Kiara can't you just worry about yourself for once." Wow someone grew some balls this summer.

"Maybe stop worrying about Draco and then you can actually do something with your life." I wink at her. Pansy and I don't have any bad blood but she has her head shoved so far up Draco's ass it's not even funny.

"I'll talk to you two later." I smile and give a slight wave.

"Well I would hope so." Blaise smiles as Miles waves happily. Blaise and Miles are really sweet a lot of the time I wonder how they even ended up in Slytherin.

"You should have just let it be." Cass mutters as we exit the common room.

"Cass, they are first years. I don't want their first experience at Hogwarts to be Draco." I rub my temple. I don't have the patience to deal with narcissistic men at the moment.

"Yeah but it's Draco. He's privileged. He is almost guaranteed to get away with it."

"You're privileged but you don't become a prick that picks on younger kids." Our footsteps echo against the empty halls. Everyone must either be in the main hall or getting settled in their houses.

"Kia, can you just try and back off from them this year." I glare at him.

"You're asking me to tone down my personality." I roll my eyes fighting the urge to slap him upside the head. This is gonna be a long year.

I wanna dedicate this to my Draco support team😌 You know who you are.

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