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I pace back and forth nervously biting my fingernails. Xe and Kio sitting on my bed watching me closely as I try hard not to explode. Emmi and Haven went down to the main hall to get some food. Emmi looked ready to beat the shit out of Draco.

"Why are you even friends with him if this is how he treats you?" Xenia says watching me anxiously.

"I can't say I am really friends with Draco. Cass, Miles, and Blaise yeah, but Draco. Mmm, I don't think so," I release a long breath. My heart squeezes as I try to forget what happened. "I am really just there for damage control."

Kio laughs. I send her a pointed glance.

"I just think it's funny. You a muggle-born taking on a pureblood almost every day. And beating him almost all the time. Or at least catching him off guard."

"No one else will take him on. If someone doesn't put him in his place he will continue to treat people the way he does. Also, who is going to stand up to him if everyone is scared of him?"

"He's bound to figure it out at some point." Xe says flipping through a book she pulled off the shelf.

"What he doesn't understand is that I just don't care." I will do whatever it takes to protect people from him.

"You really don't care and aren't scared that his parents are death eaters?" Kio's face changes almost into a grimace. I shrug.

"Most people I know have parents that are death eaters. They work for the Dark Lord but that doesn't exactly make them dangerous. Anyone can be dangerous and we just don't know it. And the Dark Lord doesn't really scare me." My stomach churns at the thought. Voldy capturing me on the other hand. If he ever figures out about me and my powers then I'm gonna have to make a choice.

"Not scared of him!?! But he has already made his return, everyone is freaking out about him." Xe chuckles as Kio freaks out.

"I just have more important things to be worried about. Harry will take care of it, right? He is the chosen one after all." Xe rolls her eyes.

"Of course the chosen one is a Gryffindor," I turn my back to them. "It could never be a Slytherin. We are all evil power-seeking madmen."

We have been talking about it for at least an hour and my anger hasn't settled. I take a deep breath in and try to stop myself from biting my nails. It only makes it worse. The door burst open and in comes Emmi and Haven. They both wear their house colors and grip a bowl of food.

"Draco is in the common room by himself. Can I go duel him?" I smile, Emmi's willingness to fight for a person she just barely met is a quality I admire.

"Emmi you can't just go around fighting people." Haven says quietly. Emmi turns to her, handing her a devilish smile.

"Yes I can, also he insulted her that gives me enough reason in itself."

"Him being alive gives you enough reason in itself." Kio chuckles throwing a pillow at Emmi. She dodges it as she juggles her bowl of food.

"I'm going to talk to him." The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. Emmi gaps at me.

"That asshole burned your letter!" Her words angry. Tinted with threats.

"I never said it was gonna be nicely," I wink at her. "I'll be back."

They nod as I walk out. I head for the common room. Stopping at the top of the stairs, I glance around. As soon as some people see me they scramble for the doors. I grip the railing as I spot the back of Draco's head. All the anger appearing again and rolling over me in waves. I stomp down the stairs, my teeth rattling. Fury blurs my vision. I pull my wand out of my hair. My hair tumbling down in waves. I grip my wand, the weight lending me some comfort.

I aggressively point my wand at him as soon as I get in front of him.

"You fucking knee biting bitch." Draco slowly closes his book, rings flashing in the light. A devilish smirk appears on his face. He stands up, eyes roaming my body. I want to shrink away from his gaze.

"Well well. If it isn't little miss princess." I can't miss the snip in his voice. I jab my wand closer to him.

"Why did you do it?" I try to calm my raising heart. Before he answers he sneers at me like even the thought could put him in Azkaban.

"Cause she is a muggle." He leans down and grabs his book. I want to tightly wrap my fingers around his neck. In one swift move, I have my wand pressed against his throat.

"She is the only family I have left," I growl. Energy humming through my body. It slides through my veins, begging me to release it. Begging to touch him. "If you get in the way of that, I will hurt you."

He smiles glancing at my wand. His fingers twitching wanting to reach out and grasp it, but his fingers stay by his side.

"So violent now aren't you?"

"You tried to take something really important away. You don't respond to me telling you to fuck off, so yeah I'm going to get violent." I tighten my grip, knuckles white.

"Come on we can just talk like civilized people." He seems to be getting a kick out of this.

"Do you want me to abracadabra you right where you stand?" I sneer. Sick and tired of his pettiness and smirk.

"That's not gonna do anything to me." He chuckles the sound making my blood boil.

"Do you really want me to say it? Cause you won't be standing here." His eyes draw me forward begging me to show him that I can do it. I don't want to give him that satisfaction. He pushes into my wand.

"Do it." Nothing over a whisper but every challenge ever. I drop my wand to my side.

"Do you really think that making people's lives living hell is going to make up for the problems that you don't want to acknowledge?" His face unmoving as I turn and walk away. "You need to talk to someone."

The last words come out in a quiet mumble.

So I skipped my school work to finish this😌 and I been writing it for the last couple of days. This week I am currently obsessed with the song Forbidden by Alexa Cappelli. Have a great day angels🙂

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