Chapter 4

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I meet outside the Admirals door at exactly 0900 with Doctor Bashir. I press the door chime and the Admiral comes out.
"Are you ready to see the ship?" I ask.
"Yes, show me the computer core first."
"Right this way." I say walking towards the engine room. When we arrive he looks it over and says "How did you get these files on here when there're classified! Not even your security clearance can get them."
"I had to do what was necessary. The files that were classified I needed for the ship so that my crew could know how to fix some of the high class tech we have on board."
"Your saying you did this Captain?"
"Yes, no one else knows how to get into the system like I do."
"Guards, cuff her."
I turn, looking behind the Admiral and see two guards that have been with him the whole trip.
"What?" I ask.
"Your under arrest as of 0930 this morning for hacking into secured Star Fleet files. This is under section 108 in the handbook." He states.
The next thing I know I'm being cuffed and dragged to my own brig. Julian right behind me yelling at the admiral. I knew he wasn't good. He just was waiting for something like this to happen so I would be cashiered from the service.
"You freak." He says as I'm dragged away.
I don't let him see it but as soon as I'm placed in my cell I cringe at what he just called me.
"You freak." I say to myself. Julian comes in right after I'm thrown in the brig and the guards let us have a moment alone.
"I knew something like this would happen. I'm going to get you out of here, how dare he calls you a freak. He's such a...." Julian yells on, but I interject.
"Julian, someday I knew this would happen. You got lucky, me, there's been people in Star Fleet for years who would give any excuse, find any way to get rid o mef. That moment has come now." I say.
"He called you a freak." Julian says quietly.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." I say thinking about the old line that kids would tell bullies.
"I've heard the phrase, it's still not right." He says.
"I could get out of here but it wouldn't help the situation, I can hack the console from in here, I can use my sonic screwdriver, I can crawl through the Jeffry's tube, but none of that would make it better." I say.
"Doctor Bashir, your times up." The guard says.
"I promise I will get you out of here." He says as he puts his hand as close as it can get to the force field, then he walks out.
Commander Nog has been relieved from duty along with almost all the bridge crew because they protested against Admiral Rozar. Commander Data is the only one who hasn't been relieved. Although I heard he protested, the Admiral needed him to be in charge.
"I get one call don't I?" I say to the guard.
"Fine, but you have to have your cuffs on the whole time, also you can't escape there are guards all over. You can use it for 5 minutes." He says. The guard leaves and I'm alone with the computer. "Call Admiral Pike." I tell it.
"Hello, oh Max. What's the matter?" He asks. I hold up my hands which have cuffs on them.
"You were right about Admiral Rozar." I state.
"What did he arrest you for?"
"Apparently hacking files from Star Fleet's Classified records so that I could use them to help learn more about my ship." I say.
"Max if he gets away with this it would be 10 years at the same penal colony your father is at."
"I know." I say.
"We'll have to hold a trial. If you like I can be your defender."
"Actually I have someone for that. But thank you so much." I say.
"Admiral Pike out." He says.
I'm shoved back in my cell and brought food at 0600. A whole day in jail. Well this is a first Taylor. I think to myself. I tell Julian that I want him to be my defense and Data to be the judge. My trial will be tomorrow and oh am I ready. Admiral Rozar you better watch out.
Next morning...
"Your breakfast." The security guard says handing me it through the hole that was in the force field.
"Yum, some cream of wheat?, a small thing of fruit and a glass of water. My favorite." I say.
The guard walks away and I just push away my food. I can survive a good week without food, but I can only live 24 hours without water so I pick up the glass and drink it. The guard comes back in an hour and puts cuffs on me and drags me out of my cell.
"I can walk." I state.
The guard says nothing as we take the short walk to the holodeck. That's where the trial will take place. When I get in there I see all my friend and crew sitting. I go next to Julian and the trial begins. The whole time Julian is making great points but the Admiral is always one up on him. We take a recess for one hour and I sit in the holodeck while everyone else goes to get lunch. To be honest I'm kind of hungry. Julian is the only one besides two security guards that stay outside the door making sure I don't leave.
"Are you alright?" Julian asks.
"You know me, I'll be okay." I say.
"Max, I made that promise, I'll find some evidence and get you out of this."
"If I get sentenced guilty by Data, I'll be sent to the same place my father is, hey I might even be his neighbor." I say.
"That's not going to happen. Do you what me to get you some real food? I know you didn't eat anything that the guards gave you." He asks.
"Sure." I say. Then Julian walks out to go to Ten Forward.
When he comes back I have like 5 minutes to eat. I enjoy every last bite and then get ready for the trial again.

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