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"Hanna, I'll meet you later." Hanbin walk away with lady beside him, leaving her alone.

She take a look with her brows up and making annoyed face to him. Hanbin walks into the cafe and orders 2 mocha frappe before take a sit at the nearest table while the lady are waiting for him or which is means, his step-mother.

"So, whos that girl? Your girlfriend? We met her before at the restaurant, right?" Hanbin nods and continue drinking his mocha. Cheon Mina continue her words when he doesn't respond anything.

"Anyway, why are we here?" The lady infront of him take a sip and staring to him, waiting for his answer.

"Leave my father. Please." Hanbin answered slowly, trying to not heat things up since this conversation is a sensitive issues.

"Why would I do that, kids? I've got many benefit through him. I have money and wealth."

"I will give everything you want including mine if I have to, so please leave him. He is belong to my mom."

"Listen, kids. I won't leave him no matter what, I don't care whose belong him to. So, you can stop asking me to do things I don't want to and stay away from your dad. You're disgusting, don't ever dare to appear infront of me. So, I am leaving." Cheon Mina leave Hanbin alone at the table, walks to the exit of the cafe.

Hanbin rubs his face, the eager are filling in his heart, waiting to explode. He thought she could be cooperate if he is willing to give her everything she want but he is wrong.

You just playing with the wrong guy, bitch.

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