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The day is coming, The Homecoming. You draw a wide smile on your face, trying to fade the sadness away. Everyone look so flawless and fabulous at the event. The theme is masqurade, so everyone have to wears a mask. You wore a baby blue ball gown with v-neck.

"Hanna, where is your mask? Here, wear it." You take the mask from Yuri and wore it.

"You look so fly, Hanna."

"Stop joking, Yuri. We are late."

"You are no fun. Anyway, Seungyoon are waiting for you at the ballroom. See ya."

Yuri leave you alone and approach to her boyfriend. What a lovely sight they made. You thought.

You have reached the main door of the ballroom suddenly, someone push you from the back and lock you in ballroom.

"Anyone? Help me. I am here." You shout loudly, trying to attract the crowd's attention at the outside. You knocked the door with all your mighty.

Suddenly, the lamp lights up but only at the spotlight. You are approaching it slowly, throw away your scare.

"Whoever are you, please don't do anything to me. Let me enjoy my last day here peacefully." You yelled, releasing your madness.

"But, what if it was me?"

A sudden voice appeared from nowhere. A voice that have changed your whole life since the library's accident. A voice you are wishing to hear for the rest of your life. A husky voice, you are missing of.

"Hanbin..." You said it slowly. You stunned at your place, can't believe with what you saw.

"Yes, my dear. Your satan is coming back. I am breaking my promise again, well I am a satan though. Missing me?" Hanbin approach you with a smirk on his face.

"I am not. Why you are here? Don't ruining the event. I am herr for the homecoming." You leave him behind and walk to the main door.

"Me too. Hey, I am studied here before. So, I can attend this event as well."

"So, just behave yourself here and don't make any trouble. Please open the door right now, idiot. " You said while trying to unlock the door.

"So, do you love me?"

Hanbin's question make you stop your works. What happened to his brain tonight?

"What the fuck are you trying to do, Hanbin?"

"You remember it? The question you asked me before? Do you love me?"

"Then, why? Are you trying to make a joke on me? I don't mind."

"I am not, Hanna. Just answer me, do you love me?"

You lost your patience and sense. You turns back and face him. "I am not."

"Don't lie."

"Stop disturb me, Hanbin."

"I will... but after you answer me."

You give him a sharp stare and annoying face before continue. "What it is?"

Hanbin walk slowly approaching you and suddenly, he kneeled infornt of you.

"Will you be my date?"

Your face turns red and you feel the hotness are flowing in your whole body. You didn't expect it will happen to you. Especially, it was from this satan.

"I am not dating a satan."

Hanbin walks to you and wipe your right cheeks before continue. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am."

Then, suddenly a voice recording was played in the ballroom. A conversation of Yuri and you are talking about Hanbin, last night.

"Actually, I miss Hanbin lately. Yes, I can't lie anymore. At first, I am hesitation about my own feeling. I lost my interest over Seungyoon and starts to miss Hanbin since he left. I am giving such a bad impressions to him though. But, I am not sure if I love him or not."

The lamp at the whole ballroom are lighting up, you can heard a shout and claps from everywhere. The ballroom was full by your schoolmates and you saw Yuri and Seungyoon are gladly smilling to you.

Everyone are watching you and you can feel the awkwardness. Just what's going on? You thought.

"Hanna, I'd rather to be your satan just to stay near to you but I won't let you in pain like before. I know who I am, you won't accept me if I make a love confession like the others. Well, a satan doesn't deserved any love especially from an angel like you. Once again, will you be mine?"

You nods and giving a wide smile to him before he hugs you tighly and you can feel the warm in his embrace. Yes, you don't need to lie anymore. Lie to your best friend, your beloved one and the most important is to yourself. Once you lie, you would never stop.

Sometimes, telling truth eventhough it's hurting someone is much better than living in lie just to comfort people. There's might be a millions reason why we face such a tragic or heart-breaking accident but maybe, it would brought us to the better future.

"I am a hunter. I am hunting your love and you are haunted by my charms."

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