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A nice day to spend at mall with your best friend. Shopping and gossips. You don't realised time flies so fast. It's already three hours, searching for a fancy dress to attend the homecoming. You are so excited about the events and can't wait until the day come.

"Hanna, I'm hungry. It's already past 6 pm." Yuri make a pity face and hanging to you, showing how weak she is because of starving.

"But we haven't choose any dress yet?"

"Forget it." Yuri pulled your right hand and walks to the nearest restaurant. You can't say no, since your stomach are roaring inside.

After the waiter take your order, both of you are talking to some random things while waiting for the food. Homecoming, gossips and girl's talk. Unfortunately, your eyes meet with a man who are walking with an old man & a young woman inside the restaurant. You hides your face quickly and give a peak through your fingers.

"What's wrong, Hanna?" Yuri turns her head and saw Kim Hanbin walking to the next of their table.

"What should we do?" Yuri continued.

"Just continue with your food and let's get out from here, quickly." Yuri nods and you continue feeding your food, pretending like nothing happened. There's a gorgeous lady is sitting beside Hanbin and make you questioning about their relationship since you didn't meet her anywhere before. Although you feels like making a crime because you feels like somebody is watching you, you just ignored it. Damnit Hanbin, why you must be here?

"I'm done." You stood and walking to the exit before somebody grabs your right hand, making you turns to the back. Kim Hanbin?

Hanbin take your chins up and kiss your mouth. Your face turns red like a tomato and you try to stop him but it making him kissed you even longer.

Stop it, Satan!

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