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Thanks to your best friend, Yuri for dissapeared to anywhere and now, you have to walk alone to library to meet your school's president for a group discussion. You are so goddamn lazy to attend but when you remember about the punishment, you keep giving a motivations words to yourself.

"It's okay, Park Hanna. Face that asshole and go home after that. You can do it. Fighting!" You said it slowly.

When you reached to the main door, you walks to the upstairs and searching for your president.


You heard something fall opposite you but you can't see it clear because of the bookshelf. So, you walk slowly and take a sneak peek through the among of the books. You are so shocked when you saw the most people you are scared of is at the opposite of you. Kim. Hanbin.

B.I. Everyone know who he is. He is a satan that will make everyone turns into his slaves and torture him until he's satiesfied with his artwork.

You want to walk away and ignoring him, who is sleeping by puts his head on the table and covering with a book but you feel bad when you saw the light from the window keep hitting his face and making him uncomfortable to sleep peacefully. Who the fuck are sleeping in the library like this rascal anyway?

You take a brave step by walking to his place because you want to help to pick up all the books which have fell under his table. It must be his job, why must sleeping and covering your face when you are already know as a bad guy here?

"What are you doing down there?" You shocked with the husky voice and unfortunately, your heads banging to the table.

"Ouch! My head." You pats your head trying to heal the pain. It's your fault, B.I.

"Wow! I'm impressed by your head. It must be made by stone." He said it while knocks on your head.

"This is not funny and it's hurt." You are rising your voice to him. He is ridiculous.

"Look, what we have here? A girl who are so bravely rising her voice to me. Bitch, it's not my fault. Anyway, what's your name?" He have raised his right eyesbrow to you.

"Asshole." You answered his question by insulting him and leaving him alone. You have no time for him and start looking for your president. After a half hour, you haven't seen him anywhere eventhough you have search him for the whole building. So, you decided to leave and don't give a fuck with what will happen later.

When you're walking to home, you meet Yuri with his boyfriend at a restaurant. You runs to his table with a fierce face.

"What the fuck, Yuri? Why you leave me alone?" You are giving a sharp stare to her.

"Huh? You are the one who is leaving me? I told you to wait for me, after school."

"Yes, I did. But, you never come."

"Bitch, I am waiting for you for a hour at the cafe. We decided to go to the mall right?"

"What? How about the group discussion?"

"It's cancelled. You told me yesterday, are you out of your mind?"

You are so shocked when you heard it. How can I forget that? Shit.

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