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"How many weeks has it been?"

"Two. Two and a half."

"Do you miss them?"

"Yes, but no."

Jake has been on set for his new movie for a while now, and ever since he left, Tom has been attending therapy sessions three times a week. He probably would have attended more if it weren't for the days he had to shoot scenes.

"What do you mean by that?" Kelly asked, while writing something in her notebook. She found it a little odd that Tom didn't mention if this person was he or a she.

Tom ran his hand through his hair. "I don't know. They just make everything so sexual. I can't take it sometimes."

"Have you told them to stop?" She peered over her glasses.

"Yeah." He paused. "I think I made them feel bad though. Ever since I snapped at them, our relationship, or whatever we have, has just been different."

"Tom, they're shooting a movie thousands of miles away from you, of course things are going to be different." She reassured.

"Not different as in, "I miss you". Different as in, "we don't talk the way we used too".

"What makes you think that?"

"We haven't texted or called about anything besides work this entire time apart."

"Well isn't that a good thing? Them not being around means you're not having to be sexual."

Tom sighed. "Yeah, but it's not only them being sexual. They always run over me, or never listen. I just feel weak and small around them, like I have no control." He cleared his throat. "I'm not a pussy, or a pushover. But they make me so happy I'd do anything to please them." Tom started to get teary eyed. "And I like it. I love everything about it. But hate it at the same time." He wiped away the tears rolling down his cheek.

"Why are you crying?" Kelly kind-heartedly asked.

"I don't know. I guess it's just because I'm used to being the "alpha" in the relationship. And with them I'm not. It makes me feel less... manly."

"Would it make you feel better if you were the "alpha"?

Tom thought about what she said for a moment. The truth was, he didn't know. Deep down he liked how Jake was with him, but it was just going to take some getting used to. "No. I guess not."

Kelly smiled. "So what else has been bothering you this week?"

He sighed. "The paparazzi. They're constantly up my ass. I have no privacy. Which I'm used to by now, but it still gets frustrating at times."

She nodded her head. She noticed how Tom twirled his thumbs when he got flustered. It was an obvious habit. "How's your family life?" She asked, making his expression change to confusion. The session was almost over and she didn't want him to dwell on something he couldn't change.

"I- I miss them, like crazy. I feel really guilty any time I talk to them, just because I haven't told them about my relationship. But it's whatever." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"The time will come." Kelly replied. Her alarm went off, meaning the session was over. As Tom was walking out the door she asked him one more question.

"Oh and Tom?"

"Yeah?" He looked back at her, his hand on the doorknob.

"Is your partner a he or she, if you don't mind me asking."

Tom squeezed the handle tightly in his grasp. He looked down, seeming to blush. "It's a he."

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