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Five days passed since the ridiculously long first day in the casts' new filming location. The weekend was finally here.

Tom lay in his hotel bed, watching TV, and texting Jake who was a few halls down. The last time they really had time together was the night Harry came back and talked to Jake. But even then, Tom ended up having to leave so Z and Jacob wouldn't get suspicious. Ever since, they've had to keep their distance from each other. On set and in public.

"What are you doing rn?"

"Laying in bed, watching TV. U?"

"Thinking about walking down to the gym. Want to come along?"

"I'll meet u at the hotel doors in 10 minutes."

Tom got out of bed, and glanced over to Jacob. He was still sleeping.

Jake put down his phone and began to put on his workout clothes. Z and Harry were sitting in the hot tub, located on the hotel balcony, getting to know each other. Both their heads turned to Jake once he stood up off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Z said, pushing back her hair with her sunglasses.

"Tom and I are going to hit the gym."

She smiled and then covered her eyes with her shades again. Once Jake was out the door she turned to Harry, who was looking at his phone. "Have you noticed that they've been spending an awful amount of time together?"

Harry froze, and swallowed hard. He just kept looking down at his phone, not making eye contact. "Not really."

Z shook her head. She knew something was up with the two of them, but couldn't quite place her finger on it.


"Want to hit the treadmills?" Jake said.

Tom's eyes grew three sizes. "Are you kidding me mate? I'm done for the day." He said, sweat dripping down his face and neck.

"Fine. Let's take a break, and then finish up by running." Jake sat down on the nearby workout bench, and placed his towel around his neck.

Tom sat next to him. "I heard you and Harry the other night."

Jake smiled and looked at the ground. "You did?"

Tom nodded, and grabbed his hand.

"You've got a good brother. I can tell he cares about you." Jake kissed his sweaty knuckles.

He laughed lightly. "Yeah. I don't know what'd I do without him sometimes. And you of course." He nudged and winked at him.

"You ready for those treadmills?" Jake asked.

"More or less." Tom stood up and let go of his hand.

Thirty minutes passed and by the time they were done running, Tom could not feel his legs, literally. He stepped off the treadmill and almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"What's wrong babe?" Jake asked, kneeling down beside him.

"I c- can't feel my legs."

Jake started massaging his sore limbs. "Do you think you can walk back?"

"I can try." He stood up, and walked a few steps, holding onto Jake's arm. His right leg gave out, and he twisted his ankle. "Fuck!" He yelped.

"Here, I'll just carry you." Jake said. He picked him up, and carried him to the elevator.

Once inside, he sat Tom down on the elevator rail, and laid his head on his shoulder. Tom ran his hands through Jake's hair, kissing him on his head. The elevator door opened, and he picked him up again. He held him bridal style, and carried him to his room, sitting him down on his bed.

"Uh babe, I should probably take a shower." Tom said moving his sore legs into a more comfortable position.

"And how do you think you'll do that?" Jake questioned. "You can't even walk."

"I don't know. I was thinking, um, maybe you could help me?" He blushed, and started to mess with his fingers.

Jake chuckled. "I'll start the shower." He walked away and went into the bathroom.

Through all the commotion Tom hadn't even noticed Jacob wasn't in the room. While he was waiting for Jake to help him shower, he pulled out his phone and texted him, curious to find out where he was.

"Where'd you go mate?"

"To get coffee. I'll be back in about 20 minutes."

Jake came back, with only his boxers on. "Shower's ready."

Tom sat his phone down, and allowed him to pick his overworked body up. Jake carried him into the bathroom, and sat him on his feet. He held him by the waist so he wouldn't fall over, and helped him undress. His face heated up when he had to undress his lower half for him.

Jake helped him step into the shower, still holding his torso to keep him balanced. The warm water soothed Tom's aching legs. Their sweaty bodies were cleansed of any odor they had. Jake opened his shampoo and began scrunching it into his hair. Tom looked up from washing his chest and smiled.

"Lean your head back." Jake said. He leaned his head back and let the water wash out the soap from his hair. He then began to wash his face.

"Will you clean my backside for me?" He asked, blushing a light pink.

"Mhm." Jake replied. He carefully turned Tom around and gently leaned him up against the shower wall. He started at his legs, still holding his abdomen with one arm, and made his way up. "Aw, you have freckles on your ass. How cute." He said, continuing to move up to his back. He guessed he never noticed, since the only time he sees his ass is when they're fucking.

Tom blushed harder, as Jake turned him around to let the water wash off his back side. They made eye contact and kissed. The kiss was sloppy, due to the droplets of water running between their lips.

Jake turned off the water and helped Tom dry off. He gave him a towel to dry his upper half, and proceeded to slide his boxers on for him. Tom's dick slightly jumped when he grazed it. Jake then helped put on his sweatpants, while he put on a shirt.

After he was situated, Jake put on his clothes, and picked Tom up for the final time. He carried him to his bed, and huffed. "You're heavier than you look."

He rolled his eyes, and got comfortable in the bed. "Thanks for helping me."

Jake kissed him on his forehead. " 'Course baby." He sighed. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Tom grabbed his arm, not wanting him to leave. "Can't you stay?" He begged, brown eyes pleading.

"You know I can't. I have phone calls to deal with. So much for a day off." Tom let go of his arm. "But I'll text you as much as I can."

"I love you." He said.

"I love you more." Jake pecked him on the lips, and left his hotel room.

He nodded at Jacob, whom he passed in the hallway.

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