17 - Always, Always have a Backup

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Finally when the window went dark again, it was then when I felt that I was being dragged in the real world.

What had happened? Did I actually see that? My mind was frantically questioning itself and my thoughts seemed to be clouded.

No! I decided that this wasn't the time to stand and think. I threw down the phone and ran downstairs. Jason had still not returned but that didn't matter, I had no time to think. I ran outside slamming our front door shut.

In my hurry I had forgotten my Jacket and as I rushed outside, the cool evening air greeted me by sending a chill down my spine. I looked at the house. It stood silent and eerie once again; as if challenging me to step in.

I ran round the back, gazing at the back door of the house. I stood on the pavement, my heart racing fast and all my thoughts in a mess.

I knew Angela was in trouble, and I knew I had to do something. However I had seen enough movies to know that when you see something creepy, don't go barging in!

For a few antagonizing minutes I stood on the pavement, too scared to go in and too impatient to stand out and watch.

Just when I thought I made my mind, I heard the sound of someone approaching.

I turned my head slowly and saw two policemen in uniform, coming directly my way.

I couldn't believe my luck.

I ran towards them desperately.

"Quick! Come here, I need your help" I said, panic clear in my voice.

They looked at me with a confused expression. Both of them looked quite young. Although one was tall and built like a baseball player whereas the second looked as if he was a TV model. I read their names on their lapel.

The taller one was called 'Barb' and the other one had the name tag 'Dwyer'

So together they would be 'Barbed wire!' I thought but for the moment I was too occupied to laugh about it!

Anyway, coming back to reality; I went towards them, urging them to come with me, but they just looked at me blankly and asked

"Were you the one who..."

"No time!" I cut in, almost yelling.

"Come on, you have to come" I said and started pulling them towards the house.

Once we reached the back door, as quickly as possible I narrated the whole thing. Their expressions changed from interest to shock and then to surprise. Ultimately they decided to believe me and told me to wait outside.

I stood by the gate and watched as they pulled out their guns and went in carefully.

I had no choice but to wait....

For what seemed like eternity later, they came outside.

"A girl? Huh?" asked Officer Barb.

"Bit of farfetched imagination you got" said Officer Dwyer.

"What?" I asked; a bit shocked.

"It's not nice to prank the Police you know?" Officer Barb said seriously.

"Prank? This was no prank" I said angrily.

"Really? Cause there is no girl in there! As a matter of fact, there is nothing in there apart from dust which gave my colleague Dwyer an allergy" said Barb harshly.

"Yes it did" answered Dwyer, coughing.

"What?" I almost yelled, and then...did the very thing which I had never dreamt of doing ever since I moved into this town.

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