23 - Blood and Chemistry

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The smell of the lilies was the first thing which made me aware that my senses were slowly returning. I didn't open my eyes, but just stayed in bed. The mattress felt soft, the air was cool and fresh. The blanket felt warm against my body.

I inhaled deeply. The smell was definitely coming from the pot of lilies which I had in my bedroom window, a gift from Stacy, my best friend.

The soft bed, the warm blanket; I was home! Finally!

So was this all a dream? I wondered, but I couldn't even remember what it was, just some blur vision.

I took a deep breath again...the smell was so familiar it was like...

Wait a minute.

I didn't have any lilies in my room; the pot which Stacy had given was in our old home, in phoenix!

Was I in phoenix again?

If so then, this whole thing had been just the craziest dream ever. Moving to wheeler falls, making friends, and getting involved with the house!

Oh no!

All this couldn't possibly have been a dream, I remembered it all too well, and it was too vivid.

I decided to open my eyes just to confirm it and with a deep breath, I opened my eyes just a crack.

My vision was horribly blurred; I waited for a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and blinked several time. I was definitely not at home.

I looked around. The room had bare white washed brick walls with bright arc lamps dangling from the ceiling. There were no windows and apparently no door since I couldn't see one.

I tried to lift my head and that was when the first signs of panic flickered through me. I couldn't move! My head felt as if it weighed a ton and it was as if my back was glued to the bed, which since now I was awake felt quite hard against my back. I tried to move my hands and legs but couldn't!


There was just one thought which kept going on in my mind,


I gave up my attempt of getting up and closed my eyes, the darkness threatened to engulf me but I just tried to keep awake; thinking of all the events which had led here. I didn't even knew where the HERE was!

I wanted answers and I wanted them fast.


The thoughts kept going round my head in turmoil but the answer wouldn't come! WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME? I thought and realised

I wasn't feeling scared, or worried at the moment. It was a different feeling. I took a deep breath and realised, for probably after months, I was feeling happy. Happy?

I felt relieved, as if I didn't have a single care in the world. How could that be? Given the circumstances that's the least how I should be feeling right now.

However, that one thought was enough to snap me awake. I opened my eyes wide and looked around me, but this time; with more determination. I had read somewhere that if you find yourself in unfamiliar location; invest a few minutes in observing your surroundings. A few minutes of observation might be able to save your life. So this was what I was determined to do.

I tried to bring my body in control but it failed. I moved my hands but they were tied. Tied? I could feel the bonds, tight against my wrist and ankles. The only thing which I could control was my head. I turned to one side...and...

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