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(U.A. Academy, Conference Room)

"What?" The occupants of the room, except for Recovery Girl, Nezu, Snipe and Hikari for obvious reason, said at the same time.

"What?" Hikari turned to look at them in confusion.

"What do you mean by what?!" Kamui Woods spoke up. "You just confessed to being the Monster of Shiketsu!"

"And U.A. too." Nezu corrected. "And regarding the rumours....." He paused for a moment. "They were somewhat exaggerated."

"Highly exaggerated is more like it!" Hikari said to him.

"Not really!" Recovery Girl muttered.

"So what is exactly the Monster?" Midnight asks.

"A set of rumors spread by some very jealous and very frightened students." Snipe informed them. "Now that is out of the question, let's talk about why we are here."

"We will, once everybody is here." Nezu told him.

"And who else is supposed to be here?" At that time the door opened making others turned to look in the direction as an older person entered and at seeing him Hikari fumbled with himself as others looked shocked at the person who came.

"Mr. Okami." The man was old, there was no denying that. He had gray hairs and wrinkles, and an elderly look in his eyes, but the way he was carrying himself pointed to anything to him being old. The principal of U.A. academy stood up to greet the man followed by the others present. "Its a pleasure to meet you." Nezu greeted. "And I must apologize to you for taking your time from your busy schedule and asking you to be here."

"Enough with the formalities Nezu." The older man said with a smile. "A friend called me to be present for an important meeting, of course I was going to be here." He then turned to glance at Hikari. "I just didn't expect you to be this quick about it, hello Hikari."

"You know about him?" Mount Lady asks and then turned to Hikari. "He know you?!"

"Well he is my uncle so he has to know me." Hikari told them.

"The owner of Q.A.R.T corps!" Rest of the people except for Recovery Girl, Nezu and Snipe yelled out in surprise.

"Yes." Hikari began. "So whatever it is can we began meeting or is someone else coming?"

"There is one other person who is yet to arrive." Nezu told him.

"Really who?"

"Well he was just behind me, so just as he take care of his buisness." Okami turned towards his nephew. "Tell me, how is life going with you?"

"Its....." Hikari trailed off. "Usual?"

"Like you!" The owner of Q.A.R.T Corps shot back.

"Hardy har har." Hikari said back. "That's very funny, but seriously what exactly are we here for?"

"We are here for you." A voice sounded as someone entered, just like the previous man, another elderly man entered the room as other turned to look at him.

"What?" Hikari asks surprised.

"What is the former CEO of H.E.R.O and Deputy Mayor of Mustafu doing here?" Present Mic asks in shock.

"Mr. Ryu." Nezu greeted the man. "Thank you for coming here....."

"We can cut to the chase, Nezu." Mr. Ryu said with a calm smile. "I am among the ones who asked for it."

"And what did you asked for?" Hikari questioned as the man himself took the seat.

"Straight to the point." Ryu spoke again. "As 'usual' right'?"

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