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(3 Months till the U.A. entrance exam)

Time passed and the little group that use to gather on the beach to learn and train began to get better. The new member who introduced herself as Toga Himiko began to instigate herself in the group. Right now her whole back story is under wraps with only Hikari, Recovery Girl and Vlad King being the only people who actually have any idea of her origins.

She turned out to be a great sparring partner for Izuku and Itsuka. At first she used to loose control at the sight of blood, because of that they were able to figure out she had a blood related quirk, about her quirk, her quirk was very much diverse, apparently once she drinks a drop of blood she is able to imitate the person not only just appearance and clothes but also voice,and after training in the Kendo dojo and under Hikari, they were able to find another aspect of her quirk which allow her to use the quirk of the person she drank the blood off, though its limited as she has to even copy their emotional and mental state to the base which she experienced when she took Itsuka's blood in one of there spar against Hikari and got enough emotional drive to activate the quirk big hands, all of them were surprised when Himiko in Itsuka's appearance was able to use her quirk as she landed a sucker punch on Hikari, which would be the only time they had landed a hit on him. Meanwhile she also gained a thing for Izuku and his blood, which he is totally unaware off. The downside of her quirk is only one thing, she is mostly left in the nude whenever her quirk runs out which leaves with Izuku being a stuttering red mess.

Itsuka has learned a lot not only with her training but also about what it actually means to be hero with pro-hero like Recovery Girl, Vlad King, Death Arms, Mount Lady and Kamino Woods taking shifts in watching over the kids. She was surprised when Yagi Toshinori introduced himself as All Might assistant, sufficie to say that questions from Itsuka didn't stop anytime soon. Apart from that she had gotten better with not only her martial arts but also with using her quirk in tandem while fighting and holding back enough so that she won't end up seriously injuring someone. She was also able to show killing intent now, which made it so that most of the guys back in dojo sometimes piss their pants before entering the arena.

Now that left the last student of the group. Izuku Midoriya, a child with frail body with no muscle or training, and even poor self confidence who started to train by cleaning the beach. He was now better than before not only with his physical appearance being better than before as he now gained muscle but also have gotten better in throwing a punch or kicking his opponents. He has gotten a bit better at using his quirk, chakra too but one thing still remains the same. He still had that meek and shy personality of his with very low self confidence and esteem. It sometimes made him look like an easy target for all those secret expeditions to the underground clubs Hikari took the three on (Recovery Girl was not happy with that, when the three of them were delivered to her), while it might've helped him there but in the long run it could be devastating.

Apart from that the whole group that gathers there have become close knit with Hikari being invited by Kamui Woods and Death Arms to get drinks with Mount Lady sometimes joining them. Toshinori while does tend to get out of them because of his work and all the other things.

Now only three months remained as the deadline for U.A. entrance exam came closer. The three Toga, Itsuka and Izuku, were standing on the beach barefoot as against them stood Hikari in somewhat casual clothes.

"So you guys know the rules right?" Hikari said as he looked over at the group of three as they nodded. "You three need to fight together against me, every attack is allowed from your side even the use of quirks. The only thing that is not allowed is hitting below the waistline." Izuku said as he said the rules one final time. "We need to get the flag and take it to Mount Lady for us to pass." He pointed towards a deep red flag which was attached to his hip and as he stood on top of the most recent pile of things the little group had gathered. He then pointed towards the other end near the buildings where the other teachers were.

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