The Raid

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(Mustafu City
An abandoned building)

A group of pro heroes consisting of Eraserhead, Endeavor, Midnight, Mount  Lady and Kamui Woods stood at the top of the building with two other people, one was Detective Naomasa and the other the Vigilante Nightmare. All of them had there eyes set an old eight storey building.

"So who are we waiting for?" Mount Lady asks. "A friend of ours." Midnight said. "He helped us get in contact with the legend here." She pointed to the man that was standing with the detective who looked a bit out.

"Yes." Kamui Woods began. "I started researching about you guys, especially after video post of the Assassin taking care of the thugs, I wanted to ask few things-----" "Now's not the time." Nightmare stated in a gruff tone, Kamui Woods and Mount Lady were a bit taken aback at his tone.

"Don't take that personally." Another cheerful voice spoke up. "He could talk to you another time when we aren't on the clock, you can even ask other things but right now we've got work to do." The last part turned a bit serious as Mount Lady and Kamui Woods turned around to look at the owner of the voice.

"You are the Assassin." Mount Lady stated after a moment.

"I suppose I am." Assassin stated. "Especially after the whole video that's been going around." He then looked around the group. "So you guys ready for today."

"We are." Eraserhead said. "The police along with Pro-heroes have surrounded the place, while we are here. On the east we have Death Arms and Mad Dash along with the Captain, on the west we have Igenium and Hawks while in north with police we also have Best Jeanist."

"There's some kind of deal going down tonight." Nightmare said. "A Mister P is coming here with few of his people. While we are waiting for that we also have to do a few other things."

"Like what?" Mount Lady asks.

"Like infiltrating the building." Assassin said. "He gave me the location of the place before I passed it on to you guys, so the last few hours I spent time learning about the place, and I found a lot of interesting things like for example, beneath this building we have tunnel which leads to a huge sewer system, so if we attack them head on there's a chance that they would run into the tunnel. Another thing." He then brought out a disc looking device which lit up showing them a small scale version of the building. "This place while as run down as it looks from outside, from the inside this place has a lot of security, including several remote alarm system, which could be triggered manually, we need to take out the alarms first before we raid, and we need to do it before this Mister P arrives."

"So who's going." Naomasa asks.

"You and Endeavor are going to be here, while you could be good infiltrating partner I want you to tell us about anyone going in and out of this place. " Nightmare said. "This a branch house for one of the strongest information laundering organizations, so there are many chances that any of the people from shady background, while Endeavor maybe a pro, he doesn't have the time and sources of a detective who is tied in with the police department, there might be few you may recognize that would help us take down many other people. About Endeavor."

"You don't have to worry about me." Endeavor for the first time spoke up. "I know I am not the most subtle of all the people here so I am good here."

"Alright then let's start."

(A few hours later in the building)

A grunt was walking around the place when he noticed one of the other guys slumped down.

"Dude are you sleeping on duty." Grunt 1 said. "If the boss finds out you are going to be in a shit load of trouble." He was about to put a hand on the other guy when out of the shadow an arm suddenly struck him at the back of his head near the neck effectively knocking him out.

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