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Hello people I decided to write another story this time a My Hero Academia crossover with Naruto. Yep and I am working on another chapters for my other stories more importantly Naruto:DSK. So till the time I upload those enjoy this story.

(Mustafu City)

Izuku Midoriya, a teen with green hair on his head and green eyes, the guy is wearing normal school clothes as he walks into a tunnel that will lead him to home. He seems to be a bit on the short side, with a bit of a weak body and several self-confidence a bit suicidal and depression emotional state. Why is that?

Well let's just give you guys a brief introduction of his world. You see a few centuries ago the world exploded with quirks. What are quirks? That is a good question. Quirks are genetic mutation that occurs in the human that provides them with several abilities that could be shown as super-powers, and the people with quirks tends to have the dream of becoming superhero,  the stronger the quirk is the more powerful and famous you become, and then the government changed the superheros from vigilante to a paying job. Slowly the world was taken over by the quirks with more than 80 percent of the world now had quirks and the rest were called quirk less, in laymen terms the outcasts of the society. The quirk less in this society are treated worse than villains with the bullying, the look of pity, and many considering the quirkless to be useless who can't do a thing.

Izuku Midoriya falls under the category of the quirkless. He stills remeber the day that he found out that he was quirkless and how the conversation after that with his mother that broke the heart of both him and his mother's.

'I am Sorry.....I am so Sorry Izuku.' The scene shows a chibi Izuku sitting in front of the screen of the computer as both him and his mothers shed tears of anguish and sorrow with how the doctors dashed his dreams and hopes.

Truthfully he can't blame his mother considering that he is the only child of his parents, keeping in mind the fact that his father is overseas for his job and try to make out as much time as possible for his family. But he still hope for more time with his father. Both his mother and father still love each other but he still resented the fact that he doesn't get as much time as he wants with his father. Well he could get it if his father's boss wasn't such an ass and would allow him a transfer near their home. But what do ya know, the world loves to make his life miserable. It is enough to know that his father still loves him. And he will be coming back home in few months to meet him and his mother for vacation. Atleast something was good.

Now other reason was that his childhood friend Bakugo Katsumi or Kaachan, who became his bully, loves to make his life miserable, just because he is quirk less and wants to become a hero by going to U.A., the hero academy. She has always been a bit egotistical, and he is using the word bit loosely, and according to her he is a Deku or someone useless. But recently she had been much more cruel and angry. Izuku grimaced as he remembers what Kaachan spoke just before they left the school.

'Why don't you just swan dive off the roof and hope that you get a powerful quirk in the next life.' Bakugo Katsumi spoke with a serious expression but he was sure that their was something else behind that expression.

"Stupid Kaachan" Izuku mumbles as he kicked a pebble "Doesn't she know that she could loose her chance to go to U.A. if I followed his advice. There would be an investigation if I did that and I can't do that to either mom and dad  or her. They still love me. Well maybe not her." But Izuku knew that in the corner of his mind a little voice told him to follow that advice that nobody loves him that nobody cares for him. Izuku ignores the voice again as he looks went deeper into the tunnel not noticing the manhole of a sewer shudder as he walked right over it. There was a moment when everything was calm and then everything happened in slow motion as the something started coming out from the cover of the sewer and giant sludge  creature came out of the sewer with two giant circle like eyes and a mouth to speak, making the creature look like a like a giant sludge  monster which was uglier and more more smelly than the Muk.

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