chapter 12

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When they woke up the next day, they both made love to each other, again and again and again, then fall asleep when they were tired.

They spent three days together in the bedroom, constantly beside each other. He pulled off her, once more panting. "We need to stop."

Asli blushed, hiding her face into the pillow. She couldn't believe they spent three days just having sex and she enjoyed every second of it. "I have so much work to do. Will you be okay?" He asked concerned. She nodded, it was time for them to separate. She was already afraid that he probably got bored of her, he had taken her again and again, until he was satiated. "I'm going to shower and then fix you a bath okay?" He smiled, kissing her forehead.

"We're not showering together?" She asked, disappointed. He groaned at her question. "If we do it together, we won't leave the room for another two days."

"Two days? Aren't you already bored of me?" She asked lightly, but wanted to know the answer. "If I had the choice, I would keep you chained to my bed for the next 1000 years, that is if you don't get bored." He answered. "What's stopping you?" She asked, unable to stop herself from giggling.

"Asli!" He groaned. She pushed him off the bed, so he could go to shower, but now he didn't want to. The thought of tying her up, teasing her until she begged him was embedded in his mind. He sighed, looking down at her, it would have to be another day. He gave her one last glance, before walking to the bathroom butt naked.

Alsi looked down at her body, his marks were all over her body. She touched the mark on her neck, shivering at the pleasure that came with it, then touching her other marks, but nothing happened, they were a little sore.

He walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, searching for his clothes. Asli, pushed her legs off the bed, standing up on her wobbly legs. She took a step and hissed slightly. Samael turned around straightaway to see her standing slightly bent over. He walked up to her fully dressed in a suit, with the first few buttons of his shirt undone.

"Take it easy Angel. You are sore. Let me help you." He smirked. She pouted, crossing her arms. He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bathtub, unable to take his eyes off her face.

He gently sat her down in the tub, kneeling down beside her outside the tub. She moaned softly, feeling the heat of the water on her sore muscles. "Good?" He asked kissing her temple. "Thank you." She mumbled, pushing her head back against the edge. "I'll see you soon." He said, petting her head lovingly. She nodded closing her eyes.

Asli felt much better after her bath, she walked out bare, knowing that no one would be outside. She pulled out another dress from his cupboard, this one was short and black, and backless. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror, it was skin tight on her. She turned around, looking at her back, it curved so elegantly.

She arched her back, closing her eyes, pushing her wings out. She liked this dress, it came up at her mid-thigh and was full sleeved. She took out matching black panties and pulled them on. She sighed laying down on the bed on her stomach. Her wings made it hard to sleep on her back, but she could lie down on them, just not for a long time.


It had been hours since he was gone, she was sure it was more than a day. He left her in the morning and now it was twilight, soft hues of pink and black mixed in the sky. She stood up sighing, she was going to find him. She hid her wings, not wanting anyone to know she had them, quickly looking for a cardigan. She pulled out her some black strappy heels, tying them neatly. She opened the door and walked down the long corridor of rooms. None of them had any signs on them. A guard was walking down the corridor.

"Excuse me. Do you know where Master is?" She asked looking down. "He's in his office." He grumbled. "Does he have any meetings?" She asked, biting her lip. "He is alone." Said the guard. She bowed down slightly thanking him. She continued walking down the corridor, until she found a door with the word 'office' written on it. Her heart was thumping in her chest with nervousness. She raised her hand knocking on it gently.

"Come in." He grumbled. She opened the door, her heels clicking as she stepped in. He gave a quick glance at whoever was standing at the door before doing a double-take. He trailed his eyes over her body, from her feet and long bare legs. He appreciated how the dress accentuated her wide his and narrowing over her waist and perfectly cupped her breasts. "Can I come in?" She asked, pulling at the sleeve of her cardigan.

He nodded, still not able speak properly. She walked in, shutting the door and locking it. She took her cardigan off, revealing her tattooed back and round ass. Asli walked in further, hugging her body self consciously, he hadn't said a word. "May I sit?" She asked shyly, looking at the floor. "Of course, Asli." He said after clearing his throat. She nodded, sitting down and crossing her leg over the other.

He took a deep breath and looked down at his papers, feeling his hard on start to disappear. "What are you doing here?" He asked, trying to control himself. "I just came to see... if you're okay." She answered carefully. "Nothing is okay. I just don't know what to recommend to this idiot." He grumbled angrily. "Maybe I can help?" She asked. He wanted to laugh, but he knew that he wasn't giving her enough credit.

"Due to security reasons, rules have become stricter than before over the last few years. Less people are coming in for training." He explained looking at her and watched as she fell into deep thought for a moment. She stood up and walked around the table, smiling as he moved his chair back, she actually came to stand beside him. She sat down in his lap, crossing her leg again. "May I?" She asked pointing at the papers he was holding.

He placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently. He pushed her hair out of the way and kissed her neck, right on her mark. She gasped, almost ruining the paper. She elbowed his chest lightly, making him chuckle. She quickly scanned over his papers and frowned at him, standing up. "Where are you going?" He asked confused. "Back to my chair." She stated. He pulled her back down, making her land on his lap. She gasped when her bottom pressed against his hard on, shifting to the side to avoid getting distracted.

"I can see what the problem is." She said shaking her head. He pulled away and looked down at her. She grabbed a pen and circled different parts of the old reports and new ones. "Your training has no breaks." She answered straight away.

"They have breaks at night." He shrugged making Angel frown up at him. "That's mandatory. It doesn't count. You need to give them at least one day off in the week." She explained gently. "They don't need them." He said. Asli frowned at his nonchalant answer.

"Didn't the Master of Hell have three days off in a row?" She asked smartly, raising her eyes brows at him.

He looked away slightly embarrassed, she was right. "I can't give them all a day off on one day. What if there is an emergency?" He argued. "Samael, you aren't going to give them all the same day off. Make a time table for your students and your teachers. Make sure you have enough teachers, before enrolling your students in. You don't want to over work any of them." She explained, grabbing a piece of paper.

He felt his chest swelling with pride, looking at his little Angel. She quickly drew a timetable out for him. She looked back up at him continuing.

"You or whoever in charge, needs to make sure classes aren't bigger than 20. It's easier to control them and give them more time, if you can make then smaller than that, it would be even better, but you then need to make sure you have enough trainers, so you split them up evenly. Ask your recruits personally what day they prefer off and then, put them in individual groups." She put the paper down and lifted the report up and pointed to another section of the paper. "The other thing is..." she stopped as she looked up.

His eyes were black again.

She gulped.


And here is the reason why I like Asli more than Samael! She's smarter than him, I think.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

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