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It was a fine day for Karasuno

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It was a fine day for Karasuno. Kageyama whose the early person was practising his serve suddenly getting stopped by someone. "What a perfect serve receive" Kageyama mumble with his surprise look. The person who receives the serve early smirk. "You got a good serve. Which school are you from?" "K-Kitagawa Daichi" " oooh you came from a good school. My school lost 2-1 with your school" "which school are you?" "Chidoriyama(?)" "Ah isn't that also a good school? Why are you here then? Is it because you heard that coach ukai is back? " "no. Not that. It's because the... the school uniform here is pretty especially this coat" Kageyama speechless. Then suddenly the gym door open. "OUH KIYOKO SAN IM HERE BECAUSE OF YOU" that little guy running toward Kiyoko but suddenly Hinata standing in front of Kiyoko to prevent that little guy near her. Hinata hugs that little guy. "Ah hola there baby. Don't run to a girl like that. It will make her scared." Hinata said while holding that little like holding a child. "oh Nishinoya has become a kid pfft good Hinata" Hinata just smile and put him down. "Hi, my name is Hinata shoyo. Just sho or Hinata I don't care. " Hinata smile and walk away from Nishinoya who is still blushing. "Ah, Hinata Hinata" third-year sigh. "Oh yea Kageyama this is Nishinoya, libero" "nice to meet you Nishinoya San" "hmm yeah where Asahi?" "I'm here!! I'm not late right?" Suddenly a guy with a long hair known as Asahi appeared. "Y-you're here" "hmm Suga and Daichi give me a talk along with Kageyama and Hinata. so that's why I decided to come" Nishinoya smile proudly. Done with the introduction and a chit-chat they start with their practice.

After 2 hours, they immediately went home. Hinata with Takeda sensei beside him walks to Sakanoshita Store. When they got closer, suddenly someone opens the door. "Ah your majesty, what can I help you" Hinata suddenly say. "I want you to accompany me to my room" "yes your majesty. By the way Takeda sensei you can go in. I'm going to take my little sister to her room" Takeda sensei nod and smile at them. "Let's go milady" Hinata hold out his hand and Natsu happily grab his hand.

10 pm. "Dad, did you agree?" "Hmm, I'm still thinking" "I thought you would agree to it since we have a practise match with Nekoma" "WHAT!? WHEN?HOW?WHERE?" "sensei say that we will have a training camp next week and a practice match with Nekoma" "Sho, remind me tomorrow to send Natsu to your gramp and I will join you guys. I WANT YOU GUYS WIN NO MATTER WHAT" Hinata just chuckle. "Alright then. So I'm headed to my room now. Goodnight" "Goodnight"

Next morning, Ukai woke up early and send Natsu to their grandpa. Hinata already went to school. After he arrives at school, he went straight to the gym and saw Takeda sensei waiting outside. Hinata looked at him and Takeda sensei also look at him. Hinata his head. Takeda sensei smile brightly after knowing that Hinata's father would agree. Takeda sensei bow to Hinata as a sign of thank you.

"Hinata" "oh hey there anything I can do?" " hmm, th-that hmm would accept this" Yamaguchi give Hinata a box of chocolates. "Hmm thanks, yams. I would gladly accept it" Hinata take Yamaguchi hand and kiss it. Yamaguchi blushing hard. After Hinata let go of Yamaguchi's hand suddenly Suga come forward with a box of chocolates and a letter. "Ahh my favourite senpai also has a gift for me thanks," Hinata say and did the same thing to Suga. After that, most of the Karasuno gave him a box of chocolates until someone slams the gym door. "I'm here to help y- sho what with all these boxes?" "It's a Valentine gift. It's all from my teammates" "I'm not surprised anymore since my son is really popular." "Ahem, Ukai San thanks for coming and helping us with the training camp" "you're welcome. Now I want you guys to practise receive and block today"

Time fly so fast and now they are in the van went the place where they having a practice match. After arriving, they went inside with Tanaka and Nishinoya on the floor after heard that Kiyoko wouldn't sleep together with them.

"Ah it so refreshing" Hinata say after he sank his whole body inside the tub (Idk if it's a tub or what people call it) Yamaguchi flustered while Kageyama and Tsukishima try hard to hide their blush. Who wouldn't flustered when there a 197 tangerine with his body that is perfect and every man dream of it. "What you guys doing come inside" Hinata smirk look at them. Yamaguchi who's the first one get in sit beside Hinata. "There there I won't bite," Hinata say. " you look like a playboy with your toy" "ah really tsukishima then maybe you are one of it. Since you already in front of me now" Hinata said. With Kageyama who is fidgeting beside him and Yamaguchi who still blushing and Tsukishima with his tsundere face.

After done with their bath Hinata asking permission to go out to a store to buy ice cream with his headphone on and his hands in his pockets. Suddenly he bumped into someone that makes him fall and Hinata on top of him. "Ack, I'm sorry" Hinata just shake his head and help the man to get up. "Nice hairstyle," Hinata said. "Thanks. I'm Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsuro" "Hinata Shoyo. Just call me sho" Hinata look down at Kuroo face and smile slightly. Kuroo blushes hard after seeing the person in front of him. "Then kuroo. I need to go back here take this ice cream. Also, we will meet again" Hinata say and left Kuroo with a chocolate ice cream in his hand. " What does it mean by we will meet again?" Kuroo just shrug. He didn't realise that Hinata already saw his jacket name.

Day after day and now the time has arrived. They all gathered outside the gym. Kuroo was surprised to see Hinata therewith his Karasuno Jacket. Hinata just smiles at him and wave his hand. Daichi approach Kuroo while talking together about the game. Hinata went to Nekomata sensei with his dad and Takeda Sensei. "Hinata, it's been a while child" "ight granpa long time no see." Hinata smile at Nekomata Sensei.

(Skip the game ohohoh)

Both teams win each game with Hinata great jump, kuroo and his block, Kageyama and Kenma with their set etc. Both team exhaustion. Hinata slightly opens his shirt and fan his body using a piece of paper that he found somewhere. Nekoma and Karasuno all flustered while looking at Hinata.

Done with the cleaning, they went back to their van. "Hinata please don't work too hard. You also need rest too" "yes grandpa " Hinata smile looking at Nekomata Sensei. Kuroo approaches Hinata and gives him his number. "Call me tonight" " ok babe. Bye kenma" "bye sho" Karasuno went inside the van with Takeda Sensei in a driver seat. They wave at each other especially Tanaka and Nishinoya, waving with their tear on their face while Taketora crying too but not waving. Nekoma went to their trains and went back to Tokyo.

The end

Thanks for 400 plus reader. I'm glad that you guys enjoy it. Also I'm sorry for not updating this story before this. And yeah as always please ignore my typo and also my grammars (•‿•)

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